Pre-Order of 2 week old Goldline Hybrid Chicks
*Pre-Order of Goldline Chicks for * We are now taking pre-orders for our Chicks in February . Orders placed by the end of January will receive a 10% discount, orders for 10+ Chicks will receive an additional 10% discount. Chicks are £3 each less 10% for Pre-Order = £2.70 each. 10% for 10+ Chicks = £2.40 each. Goldline are a hybrid cross of a Rhode Island Red and a Light Sussex, once Hens they can produce 320 eggs in their first year of laying. Chicks are colour sexed at hatch but should you be unlucky and get a male we will replace or refund. Please call us to place your order and we will take your details and call you once the Chicks are available to collect in February. Should we be busy when you call there is a 24/7 answer phone service, please leave us a message and we will call you back. Thanks Colin. Read More