Virtual Personal Assistant "Intelligent support helping you
I am workong>inong>g as a ong>Virtualong> ong>Personalong> ong>Assistantong> to small/micro busong>inong>esses where they may be spendong>inong>g more time on their busong>inong>ess admong>inong>istration than on their core busong>inong>ess. Much of this time is takong>inong>g up your own time at the end of the workong>inong>g day or ong>inong>deed takong>inong>g you away from the job itself. Many small/micro firms are sole traders with no experience of office/technical admong>inong>istration and cannot employ a full time ong>personalong> ong>assistantong> due to their budget, office space or equipment. I am time served ong>inong> the engong>inong>eerong>inong>g sector so I will understand much of your issues from the shop floor/construction site etc. I am also very qualified ong>inong> Busong>inong>ess IT and have years of Project Support experience. This makes me superb to look after all your admong>inong>istration while your look after your core busong>inong>ess. Usong>inong>g my services gives you back your free time, family time and you time. I can do as little or as much work for you as you need; no contracts, H&S legislation, recruitment headaches, sick leave, annual leave, equipment or office space. I can stand ong>inong> for your employees when off on maternity/paternity/sick/annual leave etc. All quotations and consultations are free and are tailored to your needs. I can also coach/mentor your own staff ong>inong> Office software. It's sprong>inong>g time so this is an ideal time to "sprong>inong>g clean" your busong>inong>ess admong>inong>istration and leave it ong>inong> my safe hands.