Lomo Lubitel 2 TLR camera...
Lomo ong>Lubitelong> 2 TLR ong>cameraong>, Fully working Lomo ong>Lubitelong> twin lens reflex ong>cameraong> (120 format film) in mint carry case with meters to feet conversion chart on case side. Includes original lens cap. The ong>Lubitelong> has a LOMO T- lens. It is actually a little wider than the normal 80mm medium format standard lens. The shutter is cocked with a red-dotted lever. The aperture adjuster and the shutter release are positioned around the taking lens. With a waist high viewfinder you look down into while making photographs, and completely manual, this really is a joy to use. Get back to real photography - TLR film ong>cameraong>s rule! £, Brighton, .