Dr. N. Japikse - Four books from the series ‘Rijks
Collectie van Rijks Geschiedkundige Publicatien (RGP), Resolutien der Staten Generaalvan tot , revised by Dr. N. Japikse, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague.The following four volumes: RGP 26,first volume, pp. Published in , damaged spine.RGP 33, second volume,, pp. Published in .RGP 41, third volume, pp.Published in , cover loose from the binding in the interior. RGP85, eleventh volume, , pp.Published in . The lot is offered including the booklet ‘Overzicht van de Bronnenpublicatie aan te vullen leemten der Nederlandsche geschiedkennis’ from pp.In mediocre condition. Linen covers are damaged here and there, though the text blocks are all intact. The series was a part of the collection of the University Library Leiden. It was removed from the collection, though still has the stamps and catalogue numbers. Read More