Very cheap child's bike. in Port Talbot
Child's bike,suit 3 to 5 year old. 14 inch wheels. I am a cycle mechanic working for our local cycle and car accessory store. This bike was my grandsons. He has outgrown the bike, and it was stored in the shed for 3 years. Due to the bad weather we had I decided to make a project of the bike. This bike has had a total strip down, and resprayed. I have not put decals on the bike, so it is now a blank canvas so your child can decorate it with their favorite stickers. The bike has been rebuilt to gold standard service, IE all new bearings in headset, new bearings and cups in the bottom bracket, new wheel bearings,brand new stabilizers fitted. Some marks on brake levers, and chain guard, slight wear on pedals. Selling at way below what it cost me to rebuild, therefor no offers please. Cheaper than a packet of cigarettes.