The Cabin Crew Interview Made Easy: A behind the scenes look at the SECRET elimination process
ARE YOU READY ong>TOong> DISCOVER ong>THEong> TRUTH ABOUT ong>THEong> SECRET ELIMINATION PROCESS? Do you know that airlines use hidden surveillance and undercover ong>ofong>ficers ong>toong> eliminate 90% ong>ofong> unsuspecting candidates as early as possible? and do you know that you are up against a strict set ong>ofong> hidden crong>itong>erion and secret discriminations? ong>Theong>se are just a few ong>ofong> ong>theong> tactics that airlines use ong>toong> make sneaky elimination choices during ong>theong> selection process. By understanding ong>theong> process from ong>theong> inside, you can avoid being slaughtered by ong>theong> underhand tactics, and you can tip ong>theong> balance ong>ofong> power in your favour, so that you become ong>theong> one who is doing ong>theong> screening, not ong>theong> airline. Wong>itong>hin this guide, you will not find pages ong>ofong> information informing you about ong>theong> duties, hisong>toong>ry and roster structures, and neiong>theong>r will you find average advice that will have you looking and sounding like everyone else. This book is raw and will take you ong>behindong> ong>theong> ong>scenesong> ong>toong> reveal secrets that airlines don’t want you ong>toong> know. ong>Theong> information is universal, revealing how candidates are screened and hired all across ong>theong> world, from ong>theong> largest international carriers ong>toong> ong>theong> smallest national operaong>toong>rs. ong>Theong> information is timeless, so you will not find outdated or irrelevant advice, and, most importantly, ong>itong> is uncensored. For ong>theong> first time, you be ong>showong>n how ong>toong> avoid ong>theong> common traps and pong>itong>falls, and ong>theong> true reasons why no airline will ever tell you why you were unsuccessful in your pursuong>itong>. Wheong>theong>r you are a seasoned applicant who is finding yourself frustrated at anoong>theong>r unsuccessful attempt or are a new candidate looking forward ong>toong> your first interview, ong>theong> insider secrets and step by step guidance will give you a huge lead over ong>theong> competong>itong>ion. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credong>itong>