Truth That Sticks: How to Communicate Velcro Truth in a
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Willis, Avery T., Jr. / Snowden, Mark, PUBLISHER: NavPress Publishong>inong>g Group, Today ong>inong> America, half of the people do not prefer to learn by literate approaches. They simply won't or don't read much. Begong>inong> transformong>inong>g the lives of this generation by usong>inong>g first-century methods. Jesus taught His disciples ong>andong> the crowds ong>inong> parables. Now, you can take Jesus' approach ong>inong> disciplong>inong>g. The "ong>ong>Truthong>ong>Sticks" strategy is a revolutionary approach usong>inong>g the DNA of the first century disciple makong>inong>g that will: - Use Bible Storyong>inong>g to effectively make first century disciples at all levels - Unite families by usong>inong>g fun methods to disciple children - Revitalize small groups with highly ong>inong>teractive Bible Storyong>inong>g methods - Develop a disciple makong>inong>g church Make ong>ong>truthong>ong> stick like Velcro ong>inong> a Teflon world by usong>inong>g Bible stories, dialogue, drama, ong>andong> songs. Use all the methods of learnong>inong>g ong>andong> teachong>inong>g as Jesus did to make disciples