Two extremely good condition "moon" chairs in blue a must for the ultimate relacation on holiday
Regrettably we are havong>inong>g to sell ong>theong>se ong>Moonong> ong>chairsong> as we now have no space ong>forong> ong>theong>m, ong>theong>y are really easy to use once you have mastered how ong>theong>y "expand" ong>forong> use, we have ong>twoong> of ong>theong>se ong>chairsong> that have hardly been used, ong>theong>y are really comong>forong>table to sit ong>inong> and if you use a small cushion on ong>theong> back bar to rest your head you will be asleep ong>inong> mong>inong>utes. And yes that is ong>theong> price ong>forong> ong>theong> pair NOT just one ! ong>Theong>y come complete with carryong>inong>g and storage bags, a real bargaong>inong> and you would never know ong>theong>y have been used. Due to ong>theong> size and bargaong>inong> price of ong>theong>se items ong>theong>y are collect only please Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit