KC Registered triple carrier bulldog
Our family pet Ruby has had a beautiful outstanding litter of triple carriers! 3 boys 2 girls. They are all healthy chunky pups with big paws and lots of ripples and wrinkles. They have lot of champions in there pedigree blood line and have been brought up in our family home socialised with children and other pets. They have received 24 hour care from birth and no expense spared. Mum is our family pet who can be seen with the pups and dad is KENTIXEN CIRCLE OF LIFE a chocolate trio. All these pups are guaranteed triple carriers to the right partner. All pups will be ready to go to there forever home on . These are top quality dogs big strong and solid. Remember you only get what you pay for. All pups will leave- KC Registered, four weeks free Kennel club insurance, vet checked, wormed, first vaccination, flead, microchipped. a non refundable deposit of £200 secures the pup of your choice. Genuine calls only thanks. Girls £ Boys £ Read More