Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark (Xbox One)
Serving as a follow-up to both the upcoming live-action film Transformers Age of Extinction and Activisions Transformers War for Cybertron and Transformers Fall of Cybertron titles Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark jumps worlds and factions as it weaves the tale of the hunt for an ancient relic as powerful as the Matrix of Leadership the Dark Spark Players will be able to switch between the heroes of the noble Autobots and the nefarious Decepticons (over 40 playable characters in total) throughout the single-player campaign Similar to High Moon Studios Cybertron entries in the highly regarded series gameplay features nimble fast-paced running-and-gunning combat paired with traversal and vehicle action across open battlefields for dynamic large-scale conflicts Where two worlds collide! Players will also see the return of the fan-favourite multiplayer mode Escalation which delivers wave-based survival-style gameplay for up to four players online cooperatively It features upgradeable defence systems recognisable adversaries from the lore and an expanded roster of playable characters from past and present Additionally an exciting new levelling system transforms single-player and multiplayer into one unified persistent character development path Experience earned in any part of the game unlocks potent awards and tactical loadout choices including new characters stronger weapons special abilities and consumable bonuses for use throughout the entire game Read More