Tormek Supergrind
This machine is in excellent condition, clean and corrosion free. It has a 250mm wet stone and leather honing wheel. The wet stone can be conditioned, using the grading stone supplied, so that it changes from 240 grit to 100 grit. It runs at low revolutions and low speed so does not heat the tool being sharpened altering the manufacturers tempering. It rns pretty quiet and produced a fine sharp edge on a variety of tools including, chisels, knives, carving chisels and gouges, turning chisels and gouges, axes, scissors; in fact almost anything that can produce an edge can be sharpened with this grinder. It comes with the stone grader to alter the stone grade between coarse and fine, a stone grading tool used to keep the stone perfectly flat ensuring anything sharpened has an even sharp edge; a square edge jig for sharpening chisels, plane blades etc., a tube of honing compound (part used) for the honing wheel and an angle master which is used to ensure the correct angle is ground on to the blade being sharpened. As can be seen in one of the pictures the grinding wheel has had very little use and is still the full size of 250mm as shown on the scale on the jig. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.