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Three canaries for sale £15 each Approx 4 months old Unsure of gender and specific type of canary Ready for collection ASAP Buyer needs own transportation for the bird and cage Ad ID:
Four months old canaries for sale £15 each The one that is mainly brown and the one that is mainly white have now sold (on the first photo the two on the bottom branch) Ready for collection,need to have own way of transporting the canaries and comes with no cage only the bird Unsure of gender Ad ID:
Canary. Canaries For Sale. £15 each. Please call for more information. Please do not SMS as I cannot reply. Many thanks. Ad ID:
Healthy male birds, they like to sing. For contact please phone: Ad ID:
Baby dimorphic and fife canaries for sale, £15 each pse phone for more info. Ad ID:
Baby canaries for sale, fifes and dimorphics, yellows, variegated and cinnamon, beautiful wee birds,. Ad ID:
Young and year old canaries for sale, various colours £15 each. Please phone for more details. Ad ID:
Canaries for sale, this years young and year old ones various colours £15 each. Ad ID:
I have some Fife canaries for sale £15 each.. some pheo canaries £30 each all this year's birds and rung Read More
4 beautiful canaries for sale £15 each no offers born June this year. Ad ID:
three baby lion head rabbits for sale £15 each lovely pets. one white and grey two black. please phone or text not email
six bred fife canaries all in good health.males are good singers. Ad ID:
Canaries £15 each Ready for breeding next year. + proven pairs at £40 per pair. Read More
Lovely birds for sale and healthy you must came and see any time Ad ID:
Mixed coloured Pekin. Hens Read more
Mixed sexes. Various colours. Call for more info. Collection from Colchester Essex area. Ad ID:
Three lionhead wild rabbit crossbreed two brown one been handled from birth so used to people Ad ID:
Canaries for sale £15 each 3 available Approx 4 months old ready for collection now need own transport and cage Unsure of gender or type of canary Ad ID:
White canary,red factor and 13 other canaries for sale £30 Two canaries with cage £70 Ad ID:
Canaries for sale Yellow,yellow / brown, brown £15 each unsexed All outdoor bred weather hardy Ad ID:
NO OFFERS. A selection of male and female canaries, Various colours, Good condition. Six pure yellow canaries - unsexed. - 6 months old. One male yellow canary. (Last year's birds) Cinnamon canary is male. (6 months old). Four green canaries are all female. (Last year's birds) I green canary gender Unknown (last year's). 1 green male canary (last year's).
1 x tall with 2 draws 1 x narrow 1 x standard £15 each or offer for all three
7 canaries all this years young,mixed sexes no green birds £15 each collection northampton Ad ID:
Three variegated Fife canaries for sale. Born early each or 3 for £30
9 Canaries for sale £12 each or £85 for all of them. Also 8Terenziani metal double cages £30 per unit. Giving up hobby all must go.