The Borderlands of the American and Canadian Wests: Essays
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Evans, Sterling, PUBLISHER: University ong>ofong> Nebraska Press, "ong>ong>Theong>ong> Borderlands ong>ofong> ong>ong>theong>ong> American and Canadian Wests" is ong>ong>theong>ong> first collection ong>ofong> interdisciplinary ong>essaysong> bringing togeong>ong>theong>ong>r scholars from both sides ong>ofong> ong>ong>theong>ong> forty-ninth parallel to examine life in a transboundary region. ong>ong>Theong>ong> result is a text that reveals ong>ong>theong>ong> diversity, difficulties, and fortunes ong>ofong> this increasingly powerful but little-understood part ong>ofong> ong>ong>theong>ong> North American West. Contributions by historians, geographers, anthropologists, and scholars ong>ofong> criminal justice and environmental studies provide a comprehensive picture ong>ofong> ong>ong>theong>ong> history ong>ofong> ong>ong>theong>ong> borderlands region ong>ofong> ong>ong>theong>ong> western United States and Canada. "" "ong>ong>Theong>ong> Borderlands ong>ofong> ong>ong>theong>ong> American and Canadian Wests" is divided into six parts: Defining ong>ong>theong>ong> Region, Colonizing ong>ong>theong>ong> Frontier, Farming and Oong>ong>theong>ong>r Labor Interactions, ong>ong>theong>ong> Borderlands as a Refuge in ong>ong>theong>ong> Nineteenth Century, ong>ong>theong>ong> Borderlands as a Refuge in ong>ong>theong>ong> Twentieth Century, and Natural Resources and Conservation along ong>ong>theong>ong> Border. Topics include ong>ong>theong>ong> borderlands' environment; its aboriginal and gender history; frontier interactions and comparisons; agricultural and labor relations; tourism; ong>ong>theong>ong> region as a refuge for Mormons, far-right groups, and Vietnam War resisters; and conservation and natural resources. ong>ong>Theong>ong>se areas show how ong>ong>theong>ong> history and geography ong>ofong> ong>ong>theong>ong> borderlands region has been transboundary, multidimensional, and unique within North America.