Mexicanos: A History of Mexicans in the United States
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gonzales, Manuel G., PUBLISHER: Indiana University Press, MexicanosA ong>Historyong> ong>ofong> Mexicans in ong>theong> ong>Unitedong> StatesManuel G. Gonzales "A thoughtful, thorough survey ong>ofong> events in ong>theong> ong>historyong> ong>ofong> Mexican-Americans, Chicanos, Mexicanos, Hispanos, and Latinos.... A lively narrative." -- Kirkus Reviews "Gonzales brings a bracing perspective to this epic story.... Exhaustive and destined for controversy." -- Publishers Weekly "ong>Theong> author is also especially good in weaving relevant historical developments in Mexico throughout ong>theong> analysis.... A] readable, engaging, and lively synong>theong>sis." -- David G. Gutierrez, University ong>ofong> California, San Diego "ong>Theong> best short introduction yet to ong>theong> ong>historyong> ong>ofong> Mexicans in ong>theong> U.S." -- Arkansas Democrat Gazette Mexicanos tells ong>theong> rich and vibrant story ong>ofong> Mexicans in ong>theong> ong>Unitedong> States. Emerging from ong>theong> ruins ong>ofong> Aztec civilization and from centuries ong>ofong> Spanish contact with indigenous people, Mexican culture followed ong>theong> Spanish colonial frontier northward and put its distinctive mark on what became ong>theong> southwestern ong>Unitedong> States. Shaped by ong>theong>ir Indian and Spanish ancestors, deeply influenced by Catholicism, and tempered by an ong>ofong>ten difficult existence, Mexicans continue to play an important role in U.S. society, even as ong>theong> dominant Anglo culture strives to assimilate ong>theong>m. Thorough and balanced, this book makes a valuable contribution to ong>theong> understanding ong>ofong> ong>theong>Mexican population ong>ofong> ong>theong> ong>Unitedong> States, a growing minority who will be a vital presence in 21st-century America. Manuel G. Gonzales is a prong>ofong>essor ong>ofong> ong>historyong> at Diablo Valley College and coeditor (with Cynthia M. Gonzales) ong>ofong> En Aquel Entonces, forthcoming from Indiana University Press. His oong>theong>r publications include Andrea Costa and ong>theong> Rise ong>ofong> Socialism in ong>theong> Romagna and ong>Theong> Hispanic Elite ong>ofong> ong>theong> Southwest.