The Netherlands - Batch containing stamp booklets,
155 ong>stampong> ong>bookletsong>, ong>theong> Neong>theong>rlands, MNH, ong>ofong> which 7 are used, between numbers PB 3 and PB 69; some ong>bookletsong> are ong>inong>cluded multiple times, among ong>theong>se are a Guernsey militia booklet, MNH, with 8 ong>stampong>s, and a Christmas ong>stampong> booklet, MNH, Sweden, ong>inong> blocks ong>ofong> four; years to ong>inong>clusive7 empty stock books, 1x 4 pages, 2x 16 pages, 3x 8 pages, and 1 with 32 pages. 3 partially filled stock books, ong>theong> Neong>theong>rlands, with 32 pages, ong>ofong> which one contaong>inong>s MNH between and , contaong>inong>ong>inong>g various combong>inong>ations from ong>stampong> ong>bookletsong>, among oong>theong>rs. 2 stock books MH between and , contaong>inong>ong>inong>g postage due, airmail and combong>inong>ations from ong>stampong> ong>bookletsong>, among oong>theong>rs. Catalogue value has not been calculated; however, ong>theong> photos provide a good impression.4 KABE ong>albumsong>, ong>theong> Neong>theong>rlands, MNH and used, between and (does not ong>inong>clude every page), with mounts, postage due, blocks, combong>inong>ations from ong>stampong> ong>bookletsong>, sheetlets: ong>theong> photos provide a good impression. Read More