U2-The Joshua Tree - PLATINUM-AWARD 10 Million sales
As Keaton Bell so appropriately and eloquently wrote in Oklahoma’sRed Dirt Report,The world needs U2 now more than ever. He wrote: Exactly thirty years after they unleashed their magnum opus The Joshua Tree onto the world, the iconic rock group is taking a trip back to the desert with The Joshua Tree Tour . Arguably the greatest rock album to come out of the ‘80s (or even the twentieth century, for that matter), In a world marred by division, anger, and cruelty at every corner, music has always stood as a way of bringing people together and communicating across various languages and cultures. No group understands this more than U2, who’ve never been shy about laying out their political and spiritual beliefs onto everything they touch This PLATINUM award commemorating U2’s certification of 10-million THE JOSHUA TREE albums sold is a RARE and nearly impossible treasure of one of the most iconic record awards ever made.This award is made by Mr. Kenneth A. Kittinger. He was the premier gold record producer and awards maker for the big record label companies on Music Row in Nashville for five decades! Sent to a limited very few radio stations and music industry executives who helped promote The Joshua Tree over the years,those who HAVE IT more than likely WILL NEVER PART WITH IT. Postage is secured and tracked Read More