'The Car' - Volumes in Burnham On Sea
I collected this over a two year period. 8 ong>volumeong>s of pristong>inong>e images and readong>inong>g about unique and oong>theong>r ong>carong>s prior to ong>theong> 80's. Apart ong>fromong> a little glue loosenong>inong>g ong>theong> books are ong>inong> great condition, nobody but me has ever looked at ong>theong>se, ong>theong>re are a few ong>inong>serts somewhere ong>inong>side never even touched if i could fong>inong>d ong>theong>m. Please lookout for many more ads ong>fromong> me as were movong>inong>g house so a huge clear out is happenong>inong>g, ong>theong>re will be allsorts of stuff, Ladies/Mens cloong>theong>s, home ware etc etc