BOOK - DOGBIZ A Compendium of Amazing World Dog Facts &
Imagine ong>theong> most ong>amazingong> mong>isong>cellany of dog-related facts, figures, information, humour, anecdotes, tall tales, fun activitie, and up-to-date care and training information all rolled into one irresong>isong>tible package - you're thinking "Dogbiz"! Here in one compact and accessible volume ong>isong> a cornucopia of dog lore that will go straight to ong>theong> top of ong>theong> "must have" long>isong>t of every dedicated dog lover. ong>Theong> contents are arranged into separate sections that naturally group togeong>theong>r subjects that are ong>theong>matically related. For instance, dogs in hong>isong>tory delves deep into ong>theong> inspiring stories of dogs working alongside man and includes details of dogs that have performed heroically in battle or helping ong>theong> emergency services, dogs in art, incredible dong>isong>plays of loyalty and companionship, even dog ghosts! On a lighter level, ong>theong> section on dog crafts teaches owners brilliant new skills to enjoy with ong>theong>ir dogs, like creating topiary dogs to decorate a garden, how to master ong>theong> special skills of casting a dog horoscope, how to make a personalong>isong>ed birthday care for a dog, cookery recipes for dog treats etc. Oong>theong>r sections cover facts, figures and record breakers, all sorts of activities to enjoy with a dog, dog-linked jokes and cartoons, essential care and training advice, how to read a dog's body language, ong>theong> origins of breed names, interpreting your doggie dreams and much, much more. Format:Paperback, 208 pages Oong>theong>r Information:400 colour illustrations NEW CONDITION FREE P&P if using paypal Please See my oong>theong>r ads by clicking ong>theong> BLUE BUTTON in ong>theong> contact box stating "View all Ads" to see all bargain items for sale..