texas cichlids last group of 6 in loughton

texas cichlids last group of 6 in Loughton

texas cichlids last group of 6 in Loughton

Hi selling last of me texas cichlids. Mums a blue and dads a green. Selling the babys of them last 6. Males are normally bigger in size. Collection loughton. Will be bagged ready for collection. Thankyou.

texas fish last group of 6 in Loughton

texas fish last group of 6 in Loughton

Selling last of the baby texas cichlids last 6 left out of 300 babys. Collection in loughton essex. All 6 Will be bagged before arrival. Page be removed once purchased.

Related products texas cichlids last group of 6 in loughton: texas fish last group of 6 in Loughton
Last 6 green texas cichlids in Loughton

Last 6 green texas cichlids in Loughton

Hi selling the last of my green texas cichlids. Range from 2 to 4 inches. Temp 25 to 26 degrees. Tropical fish. Eats flake.tubifix cubes and mealworms and frozen mussels. Bag will be provided. Collection loughton. Cant gendor just yet until bigger.

last 6 green texas cichlids in Loughton

last 6 green texas cichlids in Loughton

selling my lovely green last 6 texas cichlids (3cm to 4 and half cm) bigger now then the picture I took with a bag for them to travel in. collection Loughton.

Related products texas cichlids last group of 6 in loughton: last 6 green texas cichlids in Loughton
Last 6 texas cichlids £20 the lot in Loughton

Last 6 texas cichlids £20 the lot in Loughton

Texas cichlids green lovely for cichlid lovers selling them as need my tank to separate me oscars. All the texas are in together they are ranged between 2 to 4 inches gender i couldnt say as still only 9months old. Collection loughton essex only with bags that will be provided.

Texas Cichlids in Loughton

Texas Cichlids in Loughton

Green Texas Cichlids for sale last 4 left. I am selling the last 4 for £10, Ranging from 1 inch to 2 inches long. Pickup Only

Related products texas cichlids last group of 6 in loughton: Texas Cichlids in Loughton
4x texas cichlids in Loughton

4x texas cichlids in Loughton

ready for new home will be bagged ready for collection/ loughton essex

American Texas Cichlids in Loughton

American Texas Cichlids in Loughton

I have 5 of these fish available for sale. Selling them all for £15 Pickup Only

Related products texas cichlids last group of 6 in loughton: American Texas Cichlids in Loughton
Texas cichlids last 6

Texas cichlids last 6

hi a am selling my last group of texas cichlids selling the last 6 for £30. hard to gender at the moment. all healthy. ready for new home now i have a bag available to take when fish purchased. ready and bagged on arrival. collection loughton. Read More

6x malawi cichlids last to go in Loughton

6x malawi cichlids last to go in Loughton

Hiya selling last of me african malawi cichlids some mbuna and some peacocks mixed together around 1 inche and about four months old all growing fast as of being last of them left. Selling as tank has been sold but buyer has different fish to cichlids hence cheaper price for all 6 together. Collection debden/loughton i will remove the advert when no longer available

Related products texas cichlids last group of 6 in loughton: 6x malawi cichlids last to go in Loughton
Cichlids red empress group of 6/7

Cichlids red empress group of 6/7

Young group of red empress for sale two males rest female have bred in the past collect from beckton East london Ad ID:

texas cichlids 6 for £20

texas cichlids 6 for £20

Description: Baby Green Texas Cichlids for sale. 6 left and available £20 the lot. Collection Only QUICK STATS Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons Care Level: Moderate Temperament: Semi-aggressive Water Conditions: ° F, KH , pH Read More

Related products texas cichlids last group of 6 in loughton: texas cichlids 6 for £20
texas cichlids 6 for £20

texas cichlids 6 for £20

Beautiful,healthy texas cichlids for sale few minority left to sell as too much in the tank so selling the babys as need tank back. Collection loughton essex will be bagged ready for collection. Read More

Pair Of Texas Cichlids

Pair Of Texas Cichlids

I have two Texas Cichlids for sale. Male 15cm & Female 12cm. Selling together only. Must be re-homed to large reasonably stocked tank. If you are interested please email me with your tank size in litres. I will only sell to experienced fish keepers only. Cheers Simon Ad ID:

Related products texas cichlids last group of 6 in loughton: Pair Of Texas Cichlids
3 convict cichlids in Loughton

3 convict cichlids in Loughton

Breeding pair and another convict to rehome as shutting tank down, lovely to watch but cant had enough of fish. Bag will be provided. Collection debden/loughton.

Group of Malawi Cichlids

Group of Malawi Cichlids

Selling dwarf mbuna cichlid. See picture for what they look like, think they're a cross-species but i'm unsure of the father etc. There's a cobalt blue in there too - if thats the correct name. Selling to a good owner, with an established tank that is equipped to deal with this species. Please be familiar with their care and have a sufficiently sized tank and filtration etc. For any more information please feel free to shoot me an email. They're n established group and are all from one mature female within the group (I think she's an electric blue Johanni but i'm unsure of the correct species, she's gorgeous regardless). Thanks! Ad ID:

Related products texas cichlids last group of 6 in loughton: Group of Malawi Cichlids
Group of Mbuna cichlids

Group of Mbuna cichlids

I've got a group of Mbuna cichlids, 5 in total all ranging from 3-5 inches. Have had lots of fry from them over the last few months, Great fish to look at lovely colours. Grab your self a bargain. Ad ID:

last group (6) fish

last group (6) fish

last 6 texas fish for sale out of for last batch and bagged ready for collection. loughton essex. advert removed once purchased. Ad ID:

Related products texas cichlids last group of 6 in loughton: last group (6) fish
Group Of Hap Cichlids x10

Group Of Hap Cichlids x10

Placidochromis Giselli x2 around 4 -5 inches Copadichromis Borleyi (Red Fin Kadango) x2 (male and female) around 4-5 inches Placidochromis Milomo (Super VC-10) x3 around 4-5 inches Haplochromis Ptyochromis (Hippo Salmon Point) x3 around 2-3 inches 10 Fish in Total Sold as a group No Delivery Bring own bags Ad ID:

Group of 13 Mbuna cichlids

Group of 13 Mbuna cichlids

Group of Mbuna cichlids 3 males and about 10 female. First three pictures are of the males, 4th picture are of the females and last pictures are of over 100 fry I've got from this group. There is always at least 2-3 females holding every month, only selling due to changing to marine setup. Ad ID:

Related products texas cichlids last group of 6 in loughton: Group of 13 Mbuna cichlids
Group of 4 Neochromis Omnicaerulus African Cichlids malawi

Group of 4 Neochromis Omnicaerulus African Cichlids malawi

Group consists of 1 male and 3 females. The male has a stunning blue hue. The female vary from a bright yellow to a light orange. Ad ID:

A group of 5 African cichlids/malawi tropical fish

A group of 5 African cichlids/malawi tropical fish

Group of 5 African cichlids/malawi 2 male 3 female collection from braintree essex only Ad ID:

Related products texas cichlids last group of 6 in loughton: A group of 5 African cichlids/malawi tropical fish


For sale - Mix of colours, sizes, please see pictures, ranging from 3 to 6 inches, stunning fish but can be aggressive/territorial..... Looking for £10 each or £35 for any 5, viewing welcome, need to bring own containers..... Ad ID:



For sale - Mix of colours, sizes, please see pictures, ranging from 3 to 6 inches, stunning fish but can be aggressive/territorial..... Looking for £10 each or £35 for any 5, viewing welcome, need to bring own containers..... Ad ID:

Related products texas cichlids last group of 6 in loughton: GROUP OF MIDAS/DEVIL CICHLIDS - £35 FOR FIVE FISH
Group of wild and f1 met zebra gold kawanga African cichlids hluds/malawi

Group of wild and f1 met zebra gold kawanga African cichlids hluds/malawi

group of met zebra gold kawanga African cichlids/malawi mbuna 1 x f1 male 2 x wild females and 2 x f1 females.. only selling as cutting back nice quality mbuna group for someone's tank £40 for all 5 collection braintree essex Ad ID:
