tarot card and crystal pendulum readings in stoke on trent

Tarot Card and Crystal Pendulum Readings in Stoke On Trent

Tarot Card and Crystal Pendulum Readings in Stoke On Trent

Bookong>inong>gs available for: 1-2-1 Song>inong>gle ong>Readong>inong>gsong> Group ong>Readong>inong>gsong> Parties Corporate Events Special Occasions ong>Tarotong> readong>inong>g ong>Crystalong> ong>Pendulumong> Buildong>inong>g Regression I do not ask questions, but you can ask me anythong>inong>g throughout the readong>inong>g. Prices start from £15 for an approximate 30 mong>inong>ute Readong>inong>g. I do home visits or at a venue of your choice.

Tarot and Angel card reader (NO TIME LIMITS ON READINGS) in

Tarot and Angel card reader (NO TIME LIMITS ON READINGS) in

I am an experienced ong>tarotong> reader ong>andong> angel ong>cardong> reader. I provide detailed ong>tarotong> ong>andong> angel ong>cardong> ong>readong>inong>gsong> I can do either or a combong>inong>ation of both. I will tell you what is there ong>andong> don't add on for entertaong>inong>ment or drama I believe that the majority of people seekong>inong>g such service are ong>inong> need of answers ong>andong> guidance not the (shock factor) I have many happy customers who come back time after time. a detailed ong>tarotong> readong>inong>g is £15 a detailed angel ong>cardong> readong>inong>g is £15. For both it is just £25. I do not put time limits on ong>readong>inong>gsong> ong>andong> do not rush you through but don't try to draw it out. I love my job ong>andong> get great satisfaction from helpong>inong>g people. How it works either text or call me (leave a message if I don't answer I will call you back.). You pay by paypal I will provide the email for this on bookong>inong>g, payment is ong>inong> advance of readong>inong>g. We arrange a suitable time for your readong>inong>g, the majority of appoong>inong>tments are ong>inong> the evenong>inong>g. You can have a telephone readong>inong>g, by email or by post. I look forward to readong>inong>g for you Blessed be.

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psychic angel and tarot card readings. the arty witch tarot

psychic angel and tarot card readings. the arty witch tarot

ong>Readong>inong>gsong> offered for ong>inong>spiration ong>andong> guidance ong>inong> your life. I work with spirit ong>andong> angels ong>andong> use ong>tarotong> ong>andong> angel ong>cardong>s. the ong>readong>inong>gsong> are £20 each ong>andong> there is no time limit on the they last approximately 1 hour. I am based ong>inong> Middlesbrough so will come out to surroundong>inong>g areas. If required I provide telephone readong>inong>g which can be paid by paypal.

Tarot Reading by Email in Stoke On Trent

Tarot Reading by Email in Stoke On Trent

Order your Email ong>Tarotong> ong>Cardong> Readong>inong>g Whether you just want a general readong>inong>g or if you've got a specific question you want answers to. Just simply purchase a readong>inong>g ong>andong> I will email it back to you. All this for only £5.00 per readong>inong>g. PayPal payments only

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Hello i am doing tarot card readings on messanger on facebook if interested

Hello i am doing tarot card readings on messanger on facebook if interested

ong>Tarotong> ong>cardong> ong>readong>inong>gsong> available on messenger on Facebook if ong>inong>terested please contact me for more details Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit




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Tarot Card Readings and Chakra Therapies in Salisbury

Tarot Card Readings and Chakra Therapies in Salisbury

A portfolio of services ong>inong>cludong>inong>g ong>tarotong> ong>cardong> ong>readong>inong>gsong>, chakra clearong>inong>g, mediation, healong>inong>g with colour ong>andong> pathway semong>inong>ars to help you regaong>inong> your direction ong>inong> life.

Crystal Healing Gemstones and Psychic Tarot Medium Readings

Crystal Healing Gemstones and Psychic Tarot Medium Readings

We sell semi precious highly charged Gemstones which can be used for all kong>inong>ds of healong>inong>g. Simply tell us your ailment or for what purpose you need a gemstone for we'll send you a stone that can be carried or worn as pendant. We also have Gemstones to improve any area of your life ong>inong> General if you have a specific gemstone ong>andong> requirement please email us for Details. We are also givong>inong>g away Healong>inong>g Gemstone ong>Crystalong>s with 30 mong>inong>ute Psychic ong>Tarotong> ong>Readong>inong>gsong>.; your past present ong>andong> future revealed For full details please contact.

Related products tarot card and crystal pendulum readings in stoke on trent: Crystal Healing Gemstones and Psychic Tarot Medium Readings
Tarot Card Readings in Tower Hamlets

Tarot Card Readings in Tower Hamlets

I specialise ong>inong> ong>tarotong> ong>cardong> ong>readong>inong>gsong>, I communicate the meanong>inong>g of the ong>cardong>s to you about your past, present ong>andong> future. ong>Readong>inong>gsong> are usually 45 mong>inong>utes, ong>andong> I try to help you answer personal questions, ong>andong> see thong>inong>gs from the perspective of your angels or guides that help me channel the ong>cardong>s. I also offer oracle ong>cardong> ong>readong>inong>gsong> too. East London. I am happy to come to your home, please email for ong>inong>terest, we will reply quickly!

Tarot Card Readings in Milton Keynes

Tarot Card Readings in Milton Keynes

I am offerong>inong>g ong>inong>tuitive positive ong>tarotong> ong>cardong> ong>readong>inong>gsong> ong>inong> the Milton Keynes area. Price is £20. I have 15 years experience ong>andong> love what I do. If you would like some guidance ong>inong> your life, please get ong>inong> touch. love ong>andong> light. Debby

Related products tarot card and crystal pendulum readings in stoke on trent: Tarot Card Readings in Milton Keynes
Tarot Card Readings in Milton Keynes

Tarot Card Readings in Milton Keynes

I provide accurate ong>andong> positive ong>tarotong> ong>cardong> ong>readong>inong>gsong>. If you are lookong>inong>g for guidance ong>inong> your life please come ong>andong> see me. Based ong>inong> Milton Keynes. ong>Readong>inong>gsong> £20 for half an hour.

Tarot Card Readings in Milton Keynes

Tarot Card Readings in Milton Keynes

Are you lookong>inong>g for some guidance ong>inong> your life? Have you lost your direction ong>andong> not sure which way to turn? Are your thoughts drivong>inong>g you mad ong>andong> you need to get them ong>inong> order? Then come ong>andong> see me for an accurate ong>inong>tuitive ong>tarotong> ong>cardong> readong>inong>g. £20 for 30 mong>inong>s. Please contact me to book an appoong>inong>tment. Love ong>andong> light. Debby

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Genuine tarot card readings £8only in Bexley

Genuine tarot card readings £8only in Bexley

Genuong>inong>e ong>tarotong> ong>cardong> ong>readong>inong>gsong> done by myself only, all ong>readong>inong>gsong> done via email, All ong>readong>inong>gsong> £8.please email me if you would like a readong>inong>g. 14yrs experience



Hello I am Katie. I am an ong>inong>ternational traong>inong>ed ong>tarotong> ong>cardong> reader ong>andong> clairvoyant. I have given over thousong>andong>s of ong>readong>inong>gsong> from all over the world from the United States to Spaong>inong>. I offer an onlong>inong>e service, ong>andong> I am now offerong>inong>g my service onlong>inong>e on my official website www.katiepsychic.com You can choose from past, present ong>andong> future ong>tarotong> ong>readong>inong>gsong> to relationship ong>andong> love ong>tarotong> ong>readong>inong>gsong>. Get your readong>inong>g today, ong>andong> see what has ong>inong> store for you! Visit me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/katiepsychic VIist my official website at www.katiepsychic.com

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Tarot card readings for various problems. in Carnforth

Tarot card readings for various problems. in Carnforth

I offer a ong>Tarotong> ong>cardong> readong>inong>g service to help give you guidance with any problem areas you are havong>inong>g right now. I use basic 3 ong>cardong> spreads through to a complete 10 ong>cardong> spread. The ong>readong>inong>gsong> can be done at my premises or by email. My prices are very reasonable please contact me for more details.

WEIHRAUCH HW 77K 22 cal STOKE-ON-TRENT in Stoke On Trent

WEIHRAUCH HW 77K 22 cal STOKE-ON-TRENT in Stoke On Trent

ong>Inong> nice clean condition ong>andong> shoots spot on. The bluong>inong>g is all good ong>andong> there are no marks on the stock.It comes with the sight shown ong>inong> the listong>inong>g ong>andong> the slip which has some marks but is good. I've got another 77 which I will be listong>inong>g but its not the 77K so has the full length barrel. If you are unsure or need to know more please ask questions. Cash on collection please.

Related products tarot card and crystal pendulum readings in stoke on trent: WEIHRAUCH HW 77K 22 cal STOKE-ON-TRENT in Stoke On Trent
Psychic palm and tarot card readings free by phone! Call now

Psychic palm and tarot card readings free by phone! Call now

Psychic reader ong>andong> advisor solves all problems reunites lovers immediately call now for free ong>crystalong> ball readong>inong>g at Specializong>inong>g ong>inong> psychic palm ong>andong> ong>tarotong> ong>cardong> ong>readong>inong>gsong> helps ong>inong> all life's problems shockong>inong>g accuracy

Tarot card readings.

Tarot card readings.

I am an experienced ong>tarotong> reader. I can do ong>readong>inong>gsong> over the phone. Text, e-mail or over Skype I can do a One ong>cardong> readong>inong>g for £2 Three ong>cardong> readong>inong>g for £5 Six ong>cardong> readong>inong>g for £10 Ten ong>cardong> readong>inong>g for £15 You an pay via pay pal. Feel free to message any questions

Related products tarot card and crystal pendulum readings in stoke on trent: Tarot card readings.
Angel & tarot card readings in the comfort of your own home.

Angel & tarot card readings in the comfort of your own home.

Ange & ong>Tarotong> ong>cardong> ong>readong>inong>gsong>

bouncy castle hire stoke on trent in Stoke On Trent

bouncy castle hire stoke on trent in Stoke On Trent

bouncy castle ong>andong> disco castle hire ong>STOKEong> on TRENT we also hire small castles for five year olds ong>andong> under

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African Pygmy Hedgehog Stoke On Trent in Stoke On Trent

African Pygmy Hedgehog Stoke On Trent in Stoke On Trent

Hi there, I have beautiful hedgehogs- females ong>andong> males for sale. They are over 8-10 weeks old, dewormed ong>andong> are ready for collection. They are really friendly ong>andong> have been certified by a vet as healthy, hong>andong>led daily. These beauties come from a polish friend breeder, so new blood long>inong>es ong>inong> the UK but please note these are not registered. ong>Inong>formation about their parents can be provided on request. Hedgehogs were chosen from 70 other hedgehogs. Message me for more ong>inong>fo. Males: 100 Females: Can help with transport if needed

Tarot readings one to one and Tarot parties in Nuneaton

Tarot readings one to one and Tarot parties in Nuneaton

I am a ong>Tarotong> reader from Warwickshire who does one to one ong>tarotong> ong>readong>inong>gsong> ong>andong> I also do ong>Tarotong> parties, the mong>inong>imum of 4 or 6 is required for parties, I charge £ for a one to one readong>inong>g which lasts between 30 ong>andong> 45 mong>inong>utes ong>andong> I also do mong>inong>i ong>readong>inong>gsong> at £ which last up to ten mong>inong>utes. I do ong>Tarotong> events at pubs also which are provong>inong>g to be popular, if you wish to have a one to one readong>inong>g please contact me ong>andong> I will be happy to help. I look forward to hearong>inong>g from you soon Best regards J Mckay

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Top Rated Psychic and Tarot Card Readings by Master Psychic

Top Rated Psychic and Tarot Card Readings by Master Psychic

Searchong>inong>g for a Genuong>inong>e Psychic? you have found the Solution! Let me be your Personal Psychic ong>andong> Spiritual Advisor Top Rated ong>Readong>inong>gsong> by Master Psychic ong>andong> Spiritualist Doreen. With over 25 years experience as a Master Psychic ong>andong> spiritual advisor doreen has built an amazong>inong>g reputation ong>andong> countless happy clients who rely on her spiritual advise ong>andong> direction for all major life choices ong>andong> decisions. featured on major TV ong>andong> Radio networks where she discussed her backgound as a Louisiana Spiritualist ong>andong> Psychic ong>Inong>tuitive light worker her abilities are proven ong>andong> her direction second to none. fong>inong>d out why her clients will never need to seek out another Psychic Ever agaong>inong>!. Specialisong>inong>g ong>inong> Love ong>andong> Relationship issues, Busong>inong>ess ong>andong> Career matters, ong>andong> Spiritual Cleansong>inong>g, she can provide personalized Psychic ong>Readong>inong>gsong>, ong>Tarotong> ong>Cardong> ong>Readong>inong>gsong>, Spiritual ong>Readong>inong>gsong> ong>andong> much more. Call or CLick today to fong>inong>d your Psychic Solution right away!

Free Psychic Palm And tarot card readings by phone free

Free Psychic Palm And tarot card readings by phone free

Psychic palm ong>andong> ong>tarotong> ong>cardong> ong>readong>inong>gsong> solves all life's problems! Reveals soul mates by name reunites lovers immediately call now for free ong>crystalong> ball readong>inong>g at This will be an enlightenong>inong>g experience!

Related products tarot card and crystal pendulum readings in stoke on trent: Free Psychic Palm And tarot card readings by phone free
Over the phone tarot card readings  minute slots

Over the phone tarot card readings minute slots

Hi I've been doong>inong>g this 10 years ong>andong> from the ong>cardong>s I often get a connection too spirit I'm offerong>inong>g my time ong>inong> mong>inong>ute slots as well as a mong>inong>ute or two background too my ong>tarotong> ong>cardong>s ong>andong> experience i will go at your pace new ong>andong> old custom welcome what ever your experience ong>inong>terested please email me first so we can arrange a time convenient for urself ong>andong> me many thanks
