BFS-supply and install glass unit in Bury St. Edmunds
Ref. BFS Location Plymouth Ask<strong>instrong>g Price £ Premises Freehold The bus<strong>instrong>ess has the follow<strong>instrong>g key attributes: One of the leaders <strong>instrong> the supply <strong>andstrong> <strong>instrong>s<strong>tallstrong>ation of w<strong>instrong>dows, doors <strong>andstrong> conservatories <strong>instrong> the Plymouth area. Over twenty years of successful operation. Wood, PVC <strong>andstrong> alum<strong>instrong>ium. Solid, longst<strong>andstrong><strong>instrong>g customer base. Repeat customers <strong>andstrong> strong word of mouth recommendations - low <strong>instrong>vestment <strong>instrong> market<strong>instrong>g <strong>andstrong> advertis<strong>instrong>g. Loyal, highly skilled <strong>andstrong> experienced, directly employed fitters. Substantial potential for range <strong>andstrong> market expansion. The bus<strong>instrong>ess provides an acquirer with: An ideal bolt on for a company already operat<strong>instrong>g <strong>instrong> the double glaz<strong>instrong>g sector look<strong>instrong>g to exp<strong>andstrong> their presence <strong>instrong> the sector. A potential 'starter' bus<strong>instrong>ess opport<strong>unitstrong>y for an organisation or an <strong>instrong>dividual look<strong>instrong>g to establish themselves <strong>instrong> the double-glaz<strong>instrong>g sector.