Tack room clear out
Another tack room clear out SADDLES 17" medium brown Paul Jones showing saddle £" medium brown styles mono flap dressage saddle £300 TACK pony black browband Cob collegiate brown browband -£10 Full John Whitaker black browband 4 sets of cheek pieces -2 cob 2 full Cob brown padded noseband -£10 Cob black noseband Full John Whitaker Mexican black noseband Full brown laced reins Cob black running martingale Cob brown hunting martingale -£5 Cob brown hunting martingale -£10 Full brown standing martingale -£10 Cob brown bridle with stubben head piece and browband -£15 Full brown stubben bridle -£30 Black John Whitaker bonded stirrup leathers Length 145cm. -£20 Full cheek keepers black BITS -5' straight bar happy mouth -£ stubben loose ring snaffle -£ happy mouth jointed Pelham -£ Kimblewick £ hanging cheek snaffle -£10 -4' Nylon Snaffle, Small Brass Rings -£ happy mouth gag -£ loose ring snaffle -£5 BOOTS -set of four fleece camouflage bandages -£10 -new LeMieux schooling boots large black, Highly protective all round boots -£30 -style large blue cross country boots -£30 - a set of 4 brown leather brushing boots £40 RIDING BOOTS -Mark Todd winter long boots size 4 needs a new zip on one of the boots -regent long Boots, size 4 regular-£15 -shires black leather gaiters, calf 16" length 16" -joules black croc short wellies size 6, brand new-£30 NUMNAH/SADDLE CLOTHS -burgundy John Whitaker full saddle cloth (does have writing on) -prolite riser -£20 - blue with red and white trim full John Whitaker saddle cloth -£10 MISCELLANEOUS - a stick and ball for playing polocrosse £30 -2 x miracle collars, both fitted 15'2 so I would say medium size -£ -blue John Whitaker ears -£10 -Wolseley skylark trimmers -£45 -new EquiAmi riding training aid £30 -blue gatehouse hat bag - new red chillout breeches -£30 - purple ladies 34 jodhpurs -black decathlon summer jodhpurs - blue Lycra hat cover -blue and white Lycra hat cover - white tie - White tie - 3 large anti weave grills -1 infill -2 metal corner hay racks ??I have individual pictures of all the above ??All leather items have been cleaned but not inspected for safe use. All are described as used and the purchaser is responsible for ensuring items of tack are safe to use ??will take offers ??will do a job lot Read More