stunning corner tank and set up in swansea

stunning corner tank and set up in Swansea

stunning corner tank and set up in Swansea

this stunning corner tank comes with full set up, external filter, timed lighting and underneath storage, also comes with ocean rock and artificial plants (got some more you can choose from too) 190 litres

Stunning custom 2ft fish tank set up in excellent condition and quality product £90

Stunning custom 2ft fish tank set up in excellent condition and quality product £90

Stunning custom 2ft fish tank set up in excellent condition and quality product comes with full set up and external filter pump £90 Ad ID:

Related products stunning corner tank and set up in swansea: Stunning custom 2ft fish tank set up in excellent condition and quality product £90
Full set up 180l fish tank in Swansea

Full set up 180l fish tank in Swansea

Full set up 180l fish tank everything in the pictures. About 20 Fish Malawi cichlids and babys it's always new babys in the tank

Stunning axolotl with tank and set up bargain £60

Stunning axolotl with tank and set up bargain £60

Stunning axolotl with tank and set up. Includes plants ornaments water filter pump. Tank and lights. bargain £60 Ad ID:

Related products stunning corner tank and set up in swansea: Stunning axolotl with tank and set up bargain £60
Corner tank with discus set up in Newport

Corner tank with discus set up in Newport

For sale is my corner tank, comes with 2 external filters, Co2 system run off fire extinguisher for plants, a few live plants, original 2ft lighting system plus extra led lights that's been upgraded, heater, there's 3 large pieces of boy wood that fill the tank with Java fern attached, air system, plus other bits There's also 6 discus White diamond Red checkerboard 2 blue turq Plus another 2 not quite what they are

120L Corner Fish Tank FULL SET UP in Sheffield

120L Corner Fish Tank FULL SET UP in Sheffield

Full set up! 120L corner tank with corner black unit (two shelves inside for storage) Has around 15 artificial plants Medium size ship ornament Cannon ornament Large barrel ornament Working heater Working light bulbs 3 month old filter bought from pets at home (same one attached in pictures from pets at home page) filters for this are around £6 for 2. FULL big box of tropical fish food Almost full big bottle of tap safe/ stress coat Gravel pump brand new Large fish net Glass cleaner FISH INCLUDED - Guarami X2 - Small Silver Shark X3 - Large black plec (same one in picture attached) And a couple of red barbs. Sheffield Norton lees S8

Related products stunning corner tank and set up in swansea: 120L Corner Fish Tank FULL SET UP in Sheffield
Corner fish tank with full set up of malowie in Pontypool

Corner fish tank with full set up of malowie in Pontypool

Corner dark wood fish tank with full set up t ten day and night lighting under cabinet filter heater plants and a load of oshian rock and a load of difrent breeds of malowie

Fish tank 3and half foot and corner one in Swansea

Fish tank 3and half foot and corner one in Swansea

3and a half foot fish tank comes with heater and filters very good condition £ foot corner one very good condition £75

Related products stunning corner tank and set up in swansea: Fish tank 3and half foot and corner one in Swansea
aqua one ufo 550 full set up 100 litre corner tank stand fish and accessories.

aqua one ufo 550 full set up 100 litre corner tank stand fish and accessories.

Fish include one male oranda two bn plecos male n female ten gold barbs. All equiptment filter pump rock wood and ornament 2 live plants gravel stand food and bits Ad ID:

Juwel Trigon 190 corner fish tank and stand complete set up with decor and fish (if wanted)

Juwel Trigon 190 corner fish tank and stand complete set up with decor and fish (if wanted)

Juwel Trigon 190 corner fish tank and stand complete with heater, filter, lighting, tank décor and tropical fish (if wanted). Excellent condition, only 3 years old, only selling due to needing space. Dimensions: Tank 59 x 70 x 70cm, stand 71 x 70 x 70cm Ad ID:

Related products stunning corner tank and set up in swansea: Juwel Trigon 190 corner fish tank and stand complete set up with decor and fish (if wanted)
Babies and set up in Swansea

Babies and set up in Swansea

week old female mice x3 New cage and bits to go in it less then a month old Pick up Clydach Swansea

Corner fish tank full set up

Corner fish tank full set up

I have a big corner fish tank plus cabinet with glass shelves external filter air pump plants gravel ect 7" red tiger and albino oscars 9" plec plus more Read More

Related products stunning corner tank and set up in swansea: Corner fish tank full set up
Corner fish tank full set up

Corner fish tank full set up

Hi I have a small corner fish tank it comes with filter and heater also has gravel a plant and star fish ornament collection hawkinge Folkestone £30 cheers Read more

350l corner tank full mature set up

350l corner tank full mature set up

400 ono Collection only Full set up 350l 2x2x4 foot tank and stand Mature lph uv filter Air pump and stones Led full spectrum light bar 1.5 foot roughly bog wood 2 smaller pieces Soil and sand Plants Rocks 40+fish listed in photo Read More

Related products stunning corner tank and set up in swansea: 350l corner tank full mature set up
190l corner Fish tank full set up

190l corner Fish tank full set up

Fluval fish tank with fish and everything in pic. Great tank. Missing doors off cabinet but does not effect it. Also a cap missing on the top so there is a circle hole but again does not affect it. Please message for more info Ad ID:

Jewel corner fish tank complete set up

Jewel corner fish tank complete set up

Jewel corner fish tank complete set up. Never had a problem. Does have 2 Parrott fish, 1 Jewel, 1 rope fish, 1 convict, 1 geophagus in it but can sell separate. Lovely tank comes with loads of extras. Vgc

Related products stunning corner tank and set up in swansea: Jewel corner fish tank complete set up
Unique markings,baby and set up in Swansea

Unique markings,baby and set up in Swansea

Male mouse baby New cage less then 2 months old,like new no chew marks etc Comes with three layers with bed,bowl,water bottle,ramps and an exercise wheel £40 Clydach

Beautiful young baby and set up in Swansea

Beautiful young baby and set up in Swansea

Rose crown conure baby born Feb this year Very loving cuddly affectionate bird Will fly to you etc Full set up includes all new toys,perches and the cage itself is brand new Rose crown is £250 as that's what I paid and the standard rate The cage and everything in it plus whatever food is left (seeds and pellets) £100. Far cheaper then I paid Cage does come with a stand also Sad sale due to relationship break down In total £350 for everything!

Related products stunning corner tank and set up in swansea: Beautiful young baby and set up in Swansea
Jewel 190 corner fish tank full set up

Jewel 190 corner fish tank full set up

Full tropical set up includes 11 fish,light,heater,external filter,artificial plants,sand,rocks and food,all in very good condition but lid has some black tape on the black plastic to cover piping holes so no light escapes Read More

Corner Tank Solid Oak Marine Set Up £730

Corner Tank Solid Oak Marine Set Up £730

Complete marine reef setup Bargain at £730. Due to heart problems am no longer able to do water changes and care for it properly and regret it needs to go. Solid oak corner unit and tank from Maidenhead Aquatics AQ99CR @ £ RRP. Set up consists of: - Aquamanta EFX 400 external filter, SV Hang on external protein skimmer, Heater 150 Watt, Internal wave maker water mover, Powerhead filter not used at moment, Two daylight T5 lights with spare tube, One LED blue moonlight tube, Timer switches for lights, Large magnet glass cleaner, Various test kits and treatments, Rocks and coral sand, Various living corals all in good health. Pair of Clown fish (Nemo) Single Regal Tang (Dory) Various invertebrate’s red hermit crabs and turbo snails, 5 x 25 ltr plastic water containers. Whole setup less than year old and excellent piece of furniture all in top condition. Approximate value £ ONO. Able to view anytime, message me to arrange. Buyer responsible for collection, sorry unable to help. Ad ID:

Related products stunning corner tank and set up in swansea: Corner Tank Solid Oak Marine Set Up £730
190 litre corner fish tank full set up

190 litre corner fish tank full set up

190 litre corner fish tank With stand painted in chalk paint Comes with breeding swords and Molly’s platys 2 upsidedown cat fish Heater Fluval internal filter Air pump and stone Light works sometimes Large tree stump ornament Black and silver chunky gravel plants Will need collection only very big Read more

190 litre corner fish tank complete set up

190 litre corner fish tank complete set up

190 litre corner fish tank complete set up only reason for selling is due to upgrading I am looking for £150 or I will accept any decent offers my mobile is Ad ID:

Related products stunning corner tank and set up in swansea: 190 litre corner fish tank complete set up
190 ltr jewel corner tank (full set up)

190 ltr jewel corner tank (full set up)

190 ltr jewel corner tank Comes with Lights Rock Internal filter and pump Heater External pump filter Cabinet stand About 11 Malawi fish 3 x clown loach 1 x cat fish Also all the rock Will need to collect and come with tubs to transport fish.. Ad ID:

45l corner tropical fish tank full set up

45l corner tropical fish tank full set up

For sale. Glass Corner fish tank. This is a fairly new tank (less than 6 months) and is very clean with no scratches cracks etc. It has an led light in the hood, and comes with gravel, a heater and pump too. For an additional £10 I will thrown in 20 guppy/endler fry. Collection is from SK17 (Buxton). Ad ID:

Related products stunning corner tank and set up in swansea: 45l corner tropical fish tank full set up
Juwel 190 corner fish tank full set up

Juwel 190 corner fish tank full set up

Here is my corner fish tank comes as full setup and fish has a fluval 407 external filter and also external filter Ad ID:
