Steward / Bar Managerr in Walton On Thames
The ong>stewardong> is responsible for overseeong>inong>g the management of the day-to-day busong>inong>ess of club ong>barong>. Please provide salary expectations and if Accommodation would be required and for how many and your current notice period The ong>stewardong> is responsible for all admong>inong>istrative matters, managong>inong>g the club, hirong>inong>g the staff and overseeong>inong>g the staff members to ensure that the club is ong>inong> good workong>inong>g order. The club ong>stewardong> job ong>inong>cludes workong>inong>g weekends and evenong>inong>g hours and takong>inong>g time off durong>inong>g the week. Hours of work will be agreed with the agreement of Management committee Responsibilities ong>inong>clude keepong>inong>g the ong>barong> stocked, managong>inong>g the ong>barong> staff, staff rotas, organisong>inong>g club bookong>inong>gs, trackong>inong>g expenses and ong>inong>come and keepong>inong>g all ong>Barong> equipment ong>inong> good workong>inong>g order. The ong>stewardong> is also responsible for hirong>inong>g, traong>inong>ong>inong>g, and staff disciplong>inong>e as needed. We reserve the right to request that you change your days off if the needs of the busong>inong>ess so need it. Due notice will be given, but this will not be less than two weeks, except ong>inong> exceptional circumstances. Nonetheless we do expect you to work all Bank and Public holidays as required Undertakong>inong>g regular stock checks and placong>inong>g orders with suppliers; Help organisong>inong>g and advertisong>inong>g events such as live music, comedy nights, quizzes, karaoke, raffles and competitions with agreement of the management committee ensurong>inong>g that the Club adheres to various legal frameworks; runnong>inong>g promotional campaigns to market club products; Good understandong>inong>g and use of Microsoft office suite