star wars millenium falcon, "The Millennium Falcon"...
star wars millenium falcon, "The Millennium Falcon" from the STAR WARS Space Vehicles Plate Collection8-1/4" Hamilton Plate: STAR WARS Space Vehicles MILLENIUM FALCON by Hillias, This plate is now 20 years old and in mint condition,it was limited to just 28 firing days making it a very rare piece back then,so now its aged it has become very rare and hard to find,the box shows signs of age but the plate has never been out of it and looks as new,this will just become ever harder to find and will always hold and gain in value,buy today at the crazy price of just ÂŁ" Hamilton Limited Edition Collectors' Plate"MILLENIUM FALCON" by Sonia R. HilliasFrom the Star Wars Space Vehicles collectionProduced by: The Hamilton CollectionProduction Date: Artist: Sonia HilliosRare Collectors PlateBuy today for ÂŁ, Leeds,.