SAMSUNG GALAXY S5 new,sealed boxed, with warranty...
ong>SAMSUNGong> ong>GALAXYong> ong>S5ong> ong>newong>,sealed ong>boxedong>, ong>withong> ong>warrantyong>, ong>SAMSUNGong> ong>GALAXYong> ong>S5ong> ong>NEWong> SEALED ong>BOXEDong> **Hello; ong>upong> for sell is my ong>NEWong> SEALED ong>BOXEDong> ong>GALAXYong> ong>S5ong>]It is in perfect working order and still under ong>warrantyong>; its only being sold on to put towards a ong>newong> iPhone… Yes I am an Apple junky!It comes complete ong>withong> all original contents charger, headphones, etc and packaging £, Bristol, .