Sammelband on heresy and martyrdom -
Irenaeus von Lyon. Opus eruditissimum divi Irenaei episcopi... in quinque libros digestum, in quibus mire retegit & confutat ueterum haereseon impias ac portentosas opinions. FROBEN pages plus index, bound with:Divi Caecilii Cypriani Episcopi Carthaginensis Et martyris opera Basileae: Hervagius, pages plus index.Both texts edited by Erasmus.Irenaeus' best-known book, Adversus Haereses or Against Heresies (c. 180), is a detailed attack on Gnosticism, which was then a serious threat to the Church, and especially on the system of the Gnostic Valentinus.Cyprian (c. 200 – September )[was bishop of Carthage and an important Early Christian writer, many of whose Latin works are extant. This his book on martyrdom.It seems appropriate that the flyleaves contain two vellum leaves, with lives of the saints. Contemporary full leather binding with original clasp, given the date of the binding and two initials H.H. Read More