Holiday cottages at Bushmills - Live your vacation at your
Porthole Cottage welcomes you all..! Porthole Cottage is a NITB approved cottage offering peace and relaxation a short walk from the beach at Whitepark Bay on Northern Ireland's famous Causeway Coastal Route. There are many places to visit the picturesque Mussenden Temple at Downhill. Greencastle in Donegal is a short drive and ferry crossing from Magilligan. This coast is famous for sea angling and surfing. You can take the opportunity to capture the moment of the dark hedges at Stranocum. In May each year about people visit the International North West 200 motorcycle road races on the Portrush-Coleraine-Portstewart triangle. In early September Portrush hosts the annual airshow, another great family event. Golf courses at Bushmills, Ballycastle, Rathmore and Royal Portrush are all within easy reach. If you have any question about our services and information regarding cottages and places to visit, you can surely contact us for the benefits of yours, ring log on to