Reptile One Serpens 200 Vivarium in Southampton
Reptile One, Serpens 200 Snake/reptile enclosure cm wide by 90cm deep by 90cm wide. This is a timber and glass vivarium complete with cabinet. It has two large access doors with locks and keys. Strong mesh lid and ventilation at the top and bottom. Exceptional vivarium height of 1.1 meters. There is storage space with shelves within the cabinet. Many extras including; 1 large black bin bag of silk and plastic plants etc. Extensive vines to utilise the whole of the enclosure space. Lighting including, 1x night light, 1x UV light strip, 2x basking lamps. Drip feeder. Habistat dimming thermostat. 2x large feeding/water bowls. Cricket keeper Large cricket house This has been dismantled ready to move.