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l am after shih tzu boy puppie to join our family but have limited to pay
Selling my last boy Shih Tzu Puppie, due to someone letting me down. He is 8 weeks old ready now for his new loving home.. He will leave with five generation pedigree. Wormed flead and he his Miro chipped. Mum and dad can be seen. He is absolutely beautiful.
stunning shih tzu pup 1boy. mother is our beautiful little girl who can be seen with the pups father can be seen on request if wanted we have the grandparents in the family aswell. lovely healthy puppy is 7 weeks old now and will be ready to go in a week deposits of 50 pound are being taken non refundable. they will be wormed every 2 weeks before they leave an they will also be micro chipped. Boy 375
Here I have a gorgeous 9 weeks old shih tzu male puppie for sale vet checked wormed flead brown black and white loves playing loves kids don't come with papers but mum and dad are full shih tzu with papers and can be seen lovely natured dogs good for kids elderly and families £350 Read More
Selling my last girl Shih Tzu puppie. Ready now for her new home. She is Black/White she has a black patch over her eye she is so cute. Mum and dad can be seen. Puppie will leave with Five Generation Pedigree. Flead and wormed up to date. Also microchipped.
Selling my last Black Shih Tzu Puppie ready now. She is 9 weeks old. She will leave with Five Generation Pedigree wormed and flead. Also Mirco chipped. She has been vet checked twice as she has a turn in her eye. She need a very loving home. Vets said she is ready for her new home. She is beautiful pup.
Selling my last girl Shih Tzu puppie. Ready now for her new home. She is Black/White she has a black patch over her eye she is so cute. Mum and dad can be seen. Puppie will leave with Five Generation Pedigree. Flead and wormed up to date. Also microchipped.loving home only
I have one beautiful little girl left. She is ready to leave 9th November. She will be 8 weeks old. Mum and Dad can be seen. Puppie will leave with five Generation pedigree. Wormed up to date. Flead and been Mirco chipped and Vet checked. Loving home pls
I have a 8 week old shih tzu puppie for sale comes with all paper kc registered Has had all vaccines proof is in my photo gallery Mummy and dad can be seen ready to leave this weekend
I have one boy Shih Tzu Puppie left out of a litter of six puppies. Ready on the 1st October. He will be 8 weeks old when he leaves. Viewing welcome, deposit will secure puppie. Mum and dad can be seen. Puppie will leave with five Generation Pedigree and will be Microchip. He has been wormed and flead up to date.. Loving home only.
I have one boy Shih Tzu Puppie left out of a litter of five. Absolutely beautiful. Ready 9th June. Mum and dad can be seen. Puppies will leave with Five Generation Pedigree also wormed and Flead up to date. Will be microchipped. Loving homes only. Viewing welcome deposit will secure puppy.
1 beautiful shih tzu puppie 1 brown and white boys wormed microchipped vet checked raised with kids and other dogs ready to go
Selling my last beautiful boy Shih Tzu puppie, out of a litter of five. Ready on 24th December, viewing welcome. Mum and dad can be seen. Puppie will leave with Five Generation Pedigree. Wormed every 2 weeks. Puppie will be Mircochipped. Looking for new loving home.
I m after a puppy shih tzu boy to join my home
Iam sadly selling my shih tzu girl she is currently 16 weeks of age. Her father is a full kc reg imperial shih tzu her mother is a full unregistered pedigree. She has had all her vaccinations been wormed and fleed. She also has been micro chipped. All her vets paperwork will go with her. Selling due to no fault of her own at all.
I have a lovely female puppie for sale she is 7 weeks old both parents can be seen she is very child friendly would make a perfect family pet. She has been wormed upto date
1 gorgeous shih tzu X Jackrussell Puppie, he is white and tanned with spots on back. Mum is our kc ref shih tzu and dad is the in laws pet. Mum and dad can both be seen. He will be ready to leave on the 24th Nov. He will be wormed, flead, microchipped and is having first injections on the 24th. Please no time wasters!! Having heald him for someone that didn't turn up, people that viewed all puppies would have had him but he was already meant to be taken! He is 6 weeks old.
I have 1 beautiful fenale puppie for sale they will be ready for the forever homes on the 29th of december, they come from a family home mum & dad can be seen on visit, £50 Non refundable deposit to secure your pup! They will come fully vet checked flead & wormed micro chipped & with a puppy pack for more info just call
Kc reg brindle dog left, small deposit can secure, will be microchipped, wormed and had 1st lot of vaccinations, and come with 8 weeks pet insurance from date of collection, mother can be seen aswell,
he is not for sale. he invites shih tzu girls. he is not proven yet so the fee for first girl only is £50 he is Kennel club registered with all the paperwork and qualified for CRUFTS in Read More
Our beautiful litter of puppies are now ready for there forever homes we have girls and boys available all puppies have been brought up around young children and other animals mum and dad are both great family pets:) fantastic temperaments and great with children our puppies come wormed de-flead and microchipped
I have a 5 month old shih tzu puppie excellent with other animals and kids he comes with his cage bed and food looking for a fantastic family to keep him
We have one beautiful little girl left from a litter of four this gorgeous Puppie will leave with pedigree certificate first vaccination vet health check wormed flead Puppie pack & four weeks insurance mum & dad can be seen they are our family pets Jake & Cheeky they are so friendly & amazing with kids. If you need anymore info please feel free to give us a call or text thanks
1 lovely female shih tzu x Boston terrier pup. Really good temperament and brought up around children and other family pets. Ready go on Monday 7th December. £250
Shih tzu Puppie boy's and girls black and white and dark brown and white full shih tzu but not k,c reg ready now Ad ID: