Sheep for sale, Wensleydale/Merino Crosses
Total of 17 sheep for sale, born are 1/2 Merino, 1/2 Wensleydale 9 are 3/4 Merino, 1/4 Texel x BFL 1 is 1/2 Merino, 1/2 Texel x BFL Mainly females. There are 4 males among them, one of which is entire. Their fleeces are gorgeous, as you can imagine. Will sell together or in groups. ALSO FOR SALE: Some of the mothers of these sheep, seven in all, with this year's lambs at foot. Please ask for details. The sire of this year's lambs is a Merino x Icelandic ram. Mothers are: BFL x Wensleydale (I have two of these, to go together, 5 lambs between them) Two Merino x BFL crosses born . One has two male lambs (one brown, one white), the other has two white ones (one male, one female) Two Merino x Wensleydale/BFL, born , Each has two white lambs. Three of these four lambs are female. One Wensleydale X Texel, born , with one white male lamb. Read More