KC Registered Fawn & Apricot Pups - Ready to view
Our girl Porscha gave birth to 2 boys & 2 girls on 22nd December , puppies are self whelped. Both mum and dad are KC registered. Porscha's KC name is Marys Perfect Angel and Dad is Happy Hector. (Eastonite blood lines) Mum and dad have both been bought up around children and other dogs. These dogs although beautiful can take up a lot of time, anyone considering taking on this breed should first do their research, they need alot of attention they are wilful and headstrong, they like companionship and are not the type of dog that can be left at home all day whilst you are at work, they need a lot of stimulation. A non-refundable deposit of £200 will secure your pup. All pup's will be micro-chipped (there is a £16 change of name fee payable direct to the database themselves) the pup’s will be vet checked, flead, wormed and will have had their first injection before they will leave. All puppies will come with KC Registration Paperwork, 5 weeks free insurance and a puppy pack which will include food which they have been weaned on, blankets which smell of mum, dad & siblings & their toys. Read more