Sinclair A-Bike in red and black, the world's smallest,
This bike has never been unwrapped or used. It is in perfect condition except for very slight pitting on the chrome pedal arms, and the box is a bit battered, through being stored. It comes with its own carry bag, pump and spanners. New price was £250. Specifications: The Sinclair A-bike is a small wheel bicycle with 6-inch (15 cm) wheels. It weighs 5.7 kilograms (13 lb), and folds to centimetres ( in) reducing its volume to about 25% of its original size. Folds in 10 seconds Multiple position Saddle Ideal for commuting or just good fun and a must for taking in caravans and motor homes. A twin-chain system enables the bike to travel about 3.2 metres (10.5 ft) per crank rotation despite the bicycle's small-diameter wheels (6 inches or 15 centimetres). The crankcase housing almost completely encloses the drive mechanism, protecting it and preventing oil stains on clothing or floor surfaces.