Live plants for fish tank: hornwort, hygrophila, crypts, wisteria, Bacopa, mts snails,root tabs
All of them are growing in my aquarium and are acclimated to London water. As you can see in the pictures they are strong plants, growing like crazy. I just use liquid carbon and liquid ferts. My subtract is really low tech, just plain Argos sand. Also, i don't do anything to actively change the PH of my water. The plants grow in plain, dechlorinated London tap water and shouldn't go into shock when you transfer them to your aquarium. The plants i am offering are the following: Hornwort, floating and perfect for small fish/fry/shrimps to hide in. (2.5 pounds for a 70cm cutting) Cryptocoryne wendtii, large and rooted,more than 10 leafs per plant. Good for bottom dwellers to hide under. (2.5 pounds each) Tall grass (2.5 pounds for 4 plants) Hygrophila polysperma, stem plant that roots, grows fast and tall,easy background plant. especially good for ottos going busy on them. (5 cuttings for 2 pounds) Duckweed, floating surface plant. Nitrate sucker, algae control and essential for bettas/guramis. Goldfish love to eat it, shrimps like to walk upside down on it. It grows very fast (2 pounds for 60grms, u don't need more than this) Bacopa caroliniana+monniery. (2 pounds for 4 cuttings) Water Wisteria, one of the easiest and fastest growing plants there is. Every tank should have it. (2 pounds for 4 cuttings) MTS snails, essential for planted aquariums as they move under the sand and aerate it. Harmless to plants of course. (2 pounds for 10 adult big snails (>2cm)) Fertilizer root capsules, i prepare and use them myself in all my tanks. Last for 6 months and are safe to use with shrimps. Recommended for planted tanks. (2 pounds for 10 capsules) Check my other ads for Amano shrimps, SAE, Bristlenose plecos, baby platies, Red Cherry Shrimps and Siamese Algae Eaters) (if you see the ad it is still available) Ad ID: