Brand new wheelchair
This wheelchair is brand new, been tested once to see how it handles, I can personally say it's one the best, you can have the controls on either left or right steering, you can have your seat how you want it either back abit to feel a bit more comfortable or anyhow you prefer! It has a sore cushion with it that prevents sores this is held into place due to valcro! This smart wheelchair can be used in or outdoor (or both) it has cover with it incase of any break downs.. it comes with all papers, it's also crash tested incase you need it on a ambulance or any vehicles.. £600 because this is brand new but if your truly interested I might come down a little from the price. Just ask & if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask me. Fully charged and ready for use!! & also I forgot to add if the person using the wheelchair gets tired there is a hand grip bar at the back for it to be pushed Read More