Charge Plug - single speed bike
I bought this bike new a year and a half ago and only used it for a year. I am selling it because I no longer need it to commute to work (back on the tube at a new job), it's been unused for 6 months so it needs a new home. Very sturdy bike with virtually no maintenance. The bike comes with the following; - Front and rear mudguards. - Kriptonite D-lock. Here is the product info from manufacters website; The Charge Plug Features are: Frame: Charge steel, Cro-mo D/T & C/S Fork: Charge Whisk, Steel Headset: FSA TH-882 Bars: Charge Slice Stem: Shield alloy Speed: 1 Chainset: Shield Track, 42t Bottom Bracket: FSA sealed Cassette: DNP 16t FW / 16t Fixed cog Chain: 1/8" Shortlink Front Brake: Promax RC482, Long reach Rear Brake: Promax RC482, Long reach Rims: Shield 700c, double wall, 32h Front Hub: Charge Shield, Cartridge bearing Rear Hub: Charge Shield, Cartridge bearing, Flip flop Spokes: 14G Stainless Tyres: Charge Coaster, 700x32c Front Charge Coaster, 700x32c Rear Seatpost: Shield, single bolt Ad ID: