Barkenhowl- Dog Walking, Doggy Daycare, Boarding & Cat and
Barkenhowl is offerong>inong>g ong>Dogong> Walkong>inong>g, ong>Dogong>gy ong>Daycareong>, ong>Boardong>inong>gong> & Pet Care services to local areas- Forest Hall, Palmersville and Holystone. I will consider Home ong>Boardong>inong>gong> dependong>inong>g on your ong>dogong>. I am Experienced, Fully ong>Inong>sured and DBS certified and a Great Animal Lover! I own a Female Carpathian Shepherd X Collie and I have previously owned a Male Husky who sadly passed away last May at the age of 12. I have experience with Collies, German Shepherds, Huskies, Kong>inong>g Charles Spaniels, Grey Hounds, Lurcher's, a Chihuahua X West Highland Terrier, Alaskan Malamutes, Jack Russell's, Workong>inong>g Spaniels, Golden Retrievers and will be willong>inong>g to walk other breeds as long as they get along with other ong>dogong>s of course! I would also like to know about your ong>dogong>- likes, dislikes, medical conditions, allergies, any important past, and if required there diet plans. (That is if you need your ong>dogong>/pet fed-dependong>inong>g on the times we both select). I Would ideally like to walk your ong>dogong> 1 hour per walk (depends on your needs), but if you already have a certaong>inong> routong>inong>e please let me know and I would be happy to work around that. Please let me know and we can organise a plan. All ong>dogong>s must be up to date with vaccong>inong>ations, wormong>inong>g, flea treatments & Neutered! I can't accept any ong>dogong>s with aggression towards humans or canong>inong>es as other ong>dogong>s will be joong>inong>ong>inong>g the walks. ong>Boardong>inong>gong>: I understand the worry of leavong>inong>g your beloved best friend behong>inong>d, I can Guarantee that they will be ong>inong> Lovong>inong>g & Carong>inong>g Home. Your ong>Dogong> would get their Basic Needs, Exercise, Socialisation and of course plenty of Love and Affection. However I only Consider my Home ong>Boardong>inong>gong> to ong>Dogong>s which are not aggressive towards Young Children or Other Canong>inong>es. If you are goong>inong>g on a Holiday or a Busong>inong>ess trip please Contact me about Over-Night Home ong>Boardong>inong>gong> for the time you away for & for prices. Pet Care (Cat & Small Animals): Fresh Food & Water. A Clean Litter Box or Cage/Run. Play & Human Socialisation. Admong>inong>istration of any medication. Brong>inong>gong>inong>g ong>inong> the post. Turnong>inong>g lights on and off. I have experience with Cats, Rabbits, Guong>inong>ea Pigs, Hamsters, Rats, Gerbils, Birds, and Tropical Fish. However I am very eager to look after any Pet what needs care while you are away, Please contact me for more ong>Inong>formation to discuss your Pets needs. Prices: £8 Per Walk. £12 ong>Dogong>gy ong>Daycareong>. £15 ong>Boardong>inong>gong> (Per Night) £7 Twenty Mong>inong>ute Visit - Cat & Small Animal Pet Care. If anyone is ong>inong>terested or even just wants to discuss their options feel free to send me a message and I will be happy to answer any questions you have.