plants for sale crocosmia plants in 26 cm pot

Indoor plants-Aloe Vera plants in a 11 cm pot

Indoor plants-Aloe Vera plants in a 11 cm pot

I have this pot of four aloe vera plants (3 babies) for sale. They are healthy plants. At the moment they are growing outside. I am in North London. My postcode is N11 3PQ. I am near to New Southgate Station. You can get this train from highbury Station. Many buses come near to my place and they are and 382. You can get some of these buses from the tube stations. If you click the map you can see my location and also how to come here. you can also see my other plants for sale if you click `see all ads'. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Five Large Pot Plants With Plants For Sale

Five Large Pot Plants With Plants For Sale

Five white plant pots all with differing strong plants ie two hydrangeas one pink rose and an agapanthus. Other photos to follow.

Related products plants for sale crocosmia plants in 26 cm pot: Five Large Pot Plants With Plants For Sale
Plants for sale-French Marigold plants-60p to 80p per pot

Plants for sale-French Marigold plants-60p to 80p per pot

Hi I love growing plants and these are some of the French Marigold plants I grow from seeds. If you are interested email me or phone me. Please also check your spam folder if you emailed me. I live near the New Southgate station and Tesco Extra in Colney Hatch Lane. If you want to see my location click the map. These plants like to be grown in sunshine. They are annuals and will not survive the winter. If you want them to bloom longer you should pick off the faded flowers. If you want to grow this flower yourself next year you can leave one flower later and let it dried up. There are many seeds inside one dried up flower. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Plants for sale-Lemon balm in a 16 cm pot

Plants for sale-Lemon balm in a 16 cm pot

I have this pot of lemon balm plants for sale. Lemon balm, or Melissa officinalis, is a member of the mint family. It can be grown in containers or planted directly into the ground. This herb is used as a seasoning, in making liqueurs and has been used for centuries as a medicine. Smash a lemon balm leaf and you will smell the distinct lemony smell. Once established, this deciduous, perennial herb requires very little care other than basic watering needs. I am in North London. My postcode is N11 3PQ. I am near to New Southgate station. If you click the map you can see my location and how to come here. If you are interested email me. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products plants for sale crocosmia plants in 26 cm pot: Plants for sale-Lemon balm in a 16 cm pot
three pots of crocosmia orange flowering, nice plants, £2 per pot or all 3 for £5

three pots of crocosmia orange flowering, nice plants, £2 per pot or all 3 for £5

pots of orange crocosmia £2 per pot or all 3 for £5 Ad ID:

Plants for sale-hardy geranium ` Brookside' in a 10 cm pot

Plants for sale-hardy geranium ` Brookside' in a 10 cm pot

This is a small pot of hardy geranium plants. They will produce blue flowers. I am in North London. My postcode is N11 3PQ. I am near to New Southgate Station. You can get this train from Highbury station. You can click the map to see my location and how to come here and if you can come here please email me or phone me (not text). Hardy geranium is also know as cranebill. Cranebill is generally quite adaptable to a variety of growing condition. They can be grown in full sun or shade. They prefer fertile soil that stay moist but will also tolerate periods of drought once established. They are generally pest free and require little care once established.They are deciduous perennial and will come back year after year and generally does not need division but can be divided in spring or autumn. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products plants for sale crocosmia plants in 26 cm pot: Plants for sale-hardy geranium ` Brookside' in a 10 cm pot
Plants for sale-Japanese Anemone`Bowles pink' plant in a 10 cm pot

Plants for sale-Japanese Anemone`Bowles pink' plant in a 10 cm pot

I am selling a small pot of Japanese Anemone plant for £1. I am in North London. My postcode is N11 3PQ. I am near to New Southgate station. If you click the map you will be able to see my location and how to come here. Latin Name: Anemone hupehensis Bowles Pink. This plant will grow in any garden soil but avoid excessive winter wet, dislikes being moved around. It can spread rapidly once established. Anemone comes from two Greek words, anemos meaning wind and mone meaning habitation and refers to the fact that some species enjoy growing in windy situations. Some species of the genus are known as windflowers. hupehensis means that it comes from Hupeh in China. This is an exceptional Japanese Windflower with petals of deep cerise-pink that fade to lighter pink at the edges.This plant prefers lighter shade and protection and adequate soil moisture. Grow them under high trees or on the shady sides of buildings. Watering is essential in hot weather. They make the best impression in a massed planting. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Beautiful Live Aquatic Plants (bunched) / Aquarium Plants / Fish tank plants for sale

Beautiful Live Aquatic Plants (bunched) / Aquarium Plants / Fish tank plants for sale

I have live aquatic plants for sale. All beautiful, fresh and bright looking plants. The following plants are available (although there may be others not listed here also!): Amazon Sword, Java Fern, Elodea Crispa, Twisted Vallis, Indian Fern, Umbrella Fern. All plants are BUNCHED. £2.50 each or 5 for £10. Ad ID:

Related products plants for sale crocosmia plants in 26 cm pot: Beautiful Live Aquatic Plants (bunched) / Aquarium Plants / Fish tank plants for sale
Tomatillo Plants 2 Plants in a Pot £1.50 •...

Tomatillo Plants 2 Plants in a Pot £1.50 •...

Tomatillo Plants 2 Plants in a Pot £1.50 •, Tomatillo Plants 2 Plants in a Pot £1.50• The tomatillo, known as the Husk Tomato or Mexican Husk Tomato, is a plant of the nightshade family, related to the cape gooseberry, bearing small, spherical and green or green-purple fruit of the same name. £1.50, Aberdare, .

Crocosmia Plants in pots

Crocosmia Plants in pots

£3 for Each Beautiful Red flowers in late summer Good root system and are ready to plant out. Very easy to grow and require little attention. These will soon spread to form a nice big clump and can then be broken up into smaller clumps. I have about 20 large pots of them. Happy to sell in smaller lots Collection Inverness Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products plants for sale crocosmia plants in 26 cm pot: Crocosmia Plants in pots
Crocosmia Plants in Chesterfield

Crocosmia Plants in Chesterfield

I have dug up a big clump of Crocosmia and have divided it into smaller to anyone that would like them. Take as many as you like! These are orange in colour. Collection only please

Crocosmia plants

Crocosmia plants

I am selling crocosmia plants. It is perrenial with orange flower in summer. I have 3 plants. First plant has lot more corms in pot that can be split in sections or just planted.It is £4 per pot. On the last photo it is shown pot that has less corms and I have two pots.Each pot is £2. Collection only. Read More

Related products plants for sale crocosmia plants in 26 cm pot: Crocosmia plants
Nasturtium Plants 1 pot 2 plants 50p...

Nasturtium Plants 1 pot 2 plants 50p...

Nasturtium Plants 1 pot 2 plants 50p, Nasturtium Plants 1 pot 2 plants 50pNasturtium is an easy-to-grow annual whose leaves and flowers are edible. These plants with their bright greenery and vibrant flowers are good for containers or ground covers. Their pretty fragrance also makes them a good choice for cut flowers. Nasturtiums are perfect to grow with children because they grow so easily and rapidly. £0.50, Aberdare, .

Variegated English ivy plants in a 14 cm pot

Variegated English ivy plants in a 14 cm pot

Hi I am selling this pot of very beautiful ivy plants for you to keep indoor as a house plant or grow as a beautiful addition to your garden, providing an excellent ornamental plant to your trees, fences and garden walls. Ivy can make a wonderful houseplant. It can grow long and lush and bring a bit of the outdoors inside. Growing ivy indoors is easy as long as you know what makes an ivy plant happy. The most important part of indoor ivy plant care is light. All true ivies need bright light. Variegated cultivars can take medium light, but be aware that their variegation will become less pronounced in less light. Without enough light, inside ivy plants will become leggy and sickly looking. When watering your ivy, always check the soil before adding water. Ivies prefer to be kept slightly on the dry side, so let the soil dry out some (dry to the touch on top) before you water your ivy plant again. Also, make sure that your plant has excellent drainage, as ivy does not like to be in standing water or overly wet soil. Caring for ivy plants should also include fertilizing. Fertilize your ivy about once a month in the spring and summer with small amount of a water soluble, nitrogen-rich fertilizer. Do not fertilize in autumn and winter, as this is the ivy’s dormant period and the fertilizer may do more harm than good at this time. Ivy houseplants benefit from periodic washing to remove dust from their leaves. To wash your ivy plant, simply place the plant in the shower and allow the water to run over the plant for a few minutes. Ad ID: Delivery Services Consumer Credit

Related products plants for sale crocosmia plants in 26 cm pot: Variegated English ivy plants in a 14 cm pot
Garden plants for sale, Autumn bedding plants, perennials...

Garden plants for sale, Autumn bedding plants, perennials...

Garden plants for sale, Autumn bedding plants, perennials and shrubs every Saturday at the Ore Community Centre. (Near traffic lights next to old B&Q) pmJapanese Anenomes now in! Limited stock of plants so don't miss out!! If torrential rain the sale will take place 10-1pm on the Sunday. Or call or the Ore Centre for more info. £1.00, Hastings, .

Plants for sale-Red Amaranth plants-£2 each

Plants for sale-Red Amaranth plants-£2 each

I have several pots of this plant for sale. They are annuals but you can collect the seeds and plant them next year. I am in North London. My postcode is N11 3PQ. I am near to New Southgate station and Tesco extra in Colney Hatch Lane. If you want to see my location click the map and maximise the map. If you are interested email me or phone me. Please also check your spam folder if you have emailed me. Amaranth is a leaf vegetable, a protein-rich pseudo grains and an ornamental plant. Amaranth seeds have been used since ancient times in Central and Latin America and in the countries of the Himalayas. Amaranth leaves are used across Asia. The green-leaved varieties are popular in India and other places, the Chinese prefer their amaranth red-leaved and amaranth grain once was a staple in the diets of pre-Columbian Aztecs. I just grow them because they are beautiful. Red Amaranth grows beautiful red edible leaves used fresh or cooked. This is a favourite vegetable in Chinese and Vietnamese stir-fries and the red leaves will colour the dish red. Unlike many other greens, such as mustard and spinach, amaranth loves the heat and needs to be grown in sun. It needs at least 6 hours of sunshine daily. Younger leaves have a milder flavour and are good to use in salads. Mature leaves have a flavour similar to spinach. Use amaranth as a substitute for spinach in recipes. Tasty seeds can be eaten raw, sprouted, toasted, roasted, or ground into flour for baking. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products plants for sale crocosmia plants in 26 cm pot: Plants for sale-Red Amaranth plants-£2 each
Plants for sale-Mesembryanthemum Lunette/Livingstone Daisy plants

Plants for sale-Mesembryanthemum Lunette/Livingstone Daisy plants

I am selling these plants for 60p to 80p per pot. I am in North London. My postcode is N11 3PQ. I am near to New Southgate station and Tesco extra in Colney hatch Lane. If you click the map you will be able to see my location. Bus 43 and 134 come near to my place and you can get this bus from Highgate station or get bus 382 from Arnos Grove station. Members of Mesembryanthemum are half hardy annuals and perennial succulents. They carry daisy like flowers of pink, white, red or yellow that flower from spring to the end of summer (dependent upon species). This one is light yellow with red centre. They reach heights from 10 to 30 cm, making them ideal for use in rock gardens or at the front of borders or containers. Some common names for Mesembryanthemum plants include Fig Marigold, Sea fig, Ice plant and Hottentot fig. They like a sunny part of the garden that has good drainage. They prefer a soil that is sandy and dry, ideally the soil should also have a poor nature.The leaves are juicy & succulent with a furry texture.Plants are low growing and spread 6-10″. Ideal for poor soil conditions in full sun. Flowers remain shut in dull weather. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Plants for sale-Avocado plants- one pound each

Plants for sale-Avocado plants- one pound each

I have these plants for sale. I am in North London. My postcode is N11 3PQ. I am near to New Southgate station and Tesco Extra in Colney Hatch Lane. You can see my location if you click the map. Avocado tree thrives in warm places. In UK it might not flower or produce fruit unless you have a greenhouse.You can still grow it as an exotic house plant or just a plant to purify the air indoor. Place it near the window. Cut it down if you want a bushy plant. Water enough to keep the soil moist: if leaves turn brown at the tips the plant needs more water; if they turn yellow it is getting too much water and needs to dry out for a day or two. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products plants for sale crocosmia plants in 26 cm pot: Plants for sale-Avocado plants- one pound each
Plants for sale-Freckles lettuce plants-80p each

Plants for sale-Freckles lettuce plants-80p each

This Romaine lettuce has green leaves splashed with red. The red darkens as the lettuce matures. Freckles is an heirloom variety and it a delightful and colourful addition to salad mixes. And the flavour is excellent. I am in North London. My postcode is N11 3PQ. I am near to New Southgate station and Tesco extra in Colney hatch Lane. You can see my location on the map. You can email or phone me if you are interested. Please also check your spam folder if you emailed me. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Garden Plants For Sale Large Variety New Plants Every Week

Garden Plants For Sale Large Variety New Plants Every Week

I have a large selection of garden plants for sale with new plants every week any many unusual varieties. All garden centre quality at a fraction of the price. I have plants from just £1. I am available all this weekend so why not come and take a look. Please text email or call first to make sure I am at home. It is not s shop or garden centre it is my home so please don't just turn up. Any questions just ask.

Related products plants for sale crocosmia plants in 26 cm pot: Garden Plants For Sale Large Variety New Plants Every Week
Tomatillo Plants 2 Plants in a Pot £2.00 •...

Tomatillo Plants 2 Plants in a Pot £2.00 •...

£2.00, Aberdare, .

Mint Plants for sale 7 Plants available

Mint Plants for sale 7 Plants available

7 mint Plants for sale Happy to see separately £1 each Collection only OX13 Wootton Please see my other plant for sale adverts Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products plants for sale crocosmia plants in 26 cm pot: Mint Plants for sale 7 Plants available
Plants for sale-Chicory plants-70p each

Plants for sale-Chicory plants-70p each

I have this plant for sale for 70p each. I am in North London. My postcode is N11 3PQ. I am near to New Southgate station and Tesco Extra in Colney Hatch Lane. if you want to see my location click and maximise the map, The flowers are held on very short stalks very close to the stem. Chicory has pale blue flowers in ones, or threes, on the upper part of the tall, but zig-zag stem. The flowers are very close to the stem, pointing away from the stem and are dandelion-like, but have only ray florets, no disc florets in the centre. The colour of the flowers is at its best in the morning, and fades in the afternoon. Chicory has many uses: the roots of Chicory are used, roasted and ground, as a caffeine-free coffee substitute sold as Chicory Coffee; the flowers are used to garnish salads; the buds are pickled and the leaves applied as a poultice for inflammation of the skin. The flowers open in the morning and are heliotropic, following the sun, but close at midday when the sun is over-bright. The leaves yield a blue dye, the flowers, paradoxically, a yellow dye. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Antirrhinum majus or Snapdragon plants in a 20 cm square pot

Antirrhinum majus or Snapdragon plants in a 20 cm square pot

Hi I am selling this pot of flowering plants. I am in North London. My post code is N11 3PQ. I am near to New Southgate station. This pot of plants can handle frost. Ad ID: Delivery Services Consumer Credit

Related products plants for sale crocosmia plants in 26 cm pot: Antirrhinum majus or Snapdragon plants in a 20 cm square pot
Plain green leaves English ivy plants in a 13 cm pot

Plain green leaves English ivy plants in a 13 cm pot

English Ivy can help reduce mold in your home.Mold can be a rather pesky part of nature. Whether it shows up as the little fuzzy green growth letting you know it is time to throw out the old bread or the black spots around the pipes in your basement, no one ever really wants to see mold.English Ivy, the evergreen climbing vine that is most commonly found outside, can substantially reduce the amount of mold in the air of your home, according to research presented to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology a few years ago. English ivy has been known to also help remove benzene from the air. It is considered an invasive plant outdoors, since it spreads so quickly and can smother wildflowers and other native plants. However, it's a great plant if kept indoors. To control growth, pinch leaves off of your English ivy plant. Also, make sure that your plant has sufficient humidity. Keep it away from heat registers or changes in temperature, and if your house is dry, it might help if you keep your ivy plant on a tray of pebbles that can have water added to it daily. Ivy likes indirect light, and its flexible stems allow it to be trained in predetermined shapes. In the home, plant diseases are very rarely a problem. Although commonly grown as a hanging plant indoors, its aerial roots can easily be trained to climb a moss stick or trellis. Ad ID: Delivery Services Consumer Credit
