Dog Walking, Walker, Pet Visits, Sitter, Day Care, Pet to
Paws and Walks have grown from a love of our ong>petong>s and we want to help fellow ong>petong> owners ong>inong> and around Coventry and those that visit to look after theirs. We are a small family run busong>inong>ess, which is fully ong>inong>sured, experienced and hold enhanced DBS, (formally CRB's). We offer the followong>inong>g services:- ong>Dogong> ong>Walkong>inong>gong> - We can walk you ong>dogong>(s) for you, you can book a 30 or 60 mong>inong> walk, prices start from £6.50 for a 30 mong>inong>, off peak walk for one ong>dogong>. ong>Petong> Visits - Do you have a puppy that can't be left alone all day while you're at work? Do you have an older ong>dogong> that needs a bit of company, are you goong>inong>g away and need someone to feed your fish or let out your chickens? We can help; prices start from £7.50 for a 30 mong>inong> visit. Unfortunately we are not licensed for home boardong>inong>g or overnight sittong>inong>g, but we are ong>inong>sured to do so, so if you know of any land / field available to rent ong>inong> the Coventry area that we could set this up please let us know. Day ong>Careong> - If you are out for the day or away from home, for 12 hours day ong>careong> which ong>inong>cludes:- -At least 4 visits, 1 hour visits a day -The earliest visit would be between 8am - 10am -The latest would be between 9pm - 10pm -All walks, feeds, cuddles, clean up mess, playtime, toilet breaks and company ong>inong>cluded (owner to supply food & toys) -Make your home looked lived ong>inong> by collectong>inong>g the post / newspapers, openong>inong>g / closong>inong>g curtaong>inong>s, turnong>inong>g lights on / off, takong>inong>g out bong>inong>s, waterong>inong>g plants. 12 hour day ong>careong> start from £25 per day, shorter times available. We can offer extended visits or outong>inong>gs, if you are visitong>inong>g Coventry and want to see some of the attractions that don't allow ong>dogong>s, we can meet you and take your pooch on the sights of Coventry tour, take them for a walk, a play, a drong>inong>k and a rest or if you're stayong>inong>g ong>inong> the local area, we can take them out for the day. Please contact us, to make arrangements. ong>Petong> Taxi / Movers - Do you need to go somewhere with your ong>petong>? Are you movong>inong>g home and need the extra room to take them? Do you need transport to the groomers? We may be able to help you. We transport your ong>petong>s ong>inong> a Citroen Berlong>inong>go Multispace which enables you to sit right next to them for the journey. Our charges start from £10 flat fee + 40p per mile. Please contact us for a quote. ong>Petong> to Vet Service - If you can't get your ong>petong> to the vet, then we can take them for you. Non-emergency cases only and terms and conditions apply, please contact for a quote. Prices start from £20 flat fee plus 40p per mile. Delivery of ong>Petong> supplies from local shops - Do you wish to be able to have the big 15kg bags of ong>dogong> food delivered to your door, but your ong>petong> shop doesn't deliver. Do you have to shop around to cater for different ong>petong>s, likes and dislikes? Do you bulk buy to get the best deals and have trouble gettong>inong>g everythong>inong>g home? We can do your ong>petong> shoppong>inong>g for you and deliver it to your door, prices start from £5 per shop ong>inong> the Coventry area. Please get ong>inong> touch with what you need. We are experienced owners of ong>Dogong>s, Cats, Rabbits, Dwarf Hamsters, Chickens, Gerbils, Cold Water Fish and Guong>inong>ea Pigs. I also hold a ong>Dogong> Traong>inong>ong>inong>g Qualification, level 2 ong>inong> Animal ong>Careong>, ong>Dogong> ong>Walkong>inong>gong> and ong>Petong> Home Sittong>inong>g Professional Diploma (which ong>inong>cluded first aid) and a Diploma ong>inong> Animal Psychology. If you have any questions, please get ong>inong> touch, even if it is just for a long>inong>k to our website. Thank you for lookong>inong>g and we hope to hear from you. Paws and Walks, Coventry. This is a trade advert. Prices are subject to change and were correct at time of postong>inong>g