[15mm] PIPE INSULATION TUBES thermal lagging foam for piping
buy pipe insulation D escription PIPE INSULATION TUBES red or blue single 10m roll or 100m in bulk size: 15mm Click here for more sizes! Item description: Insulation tubes are designed to protect concealed indoor cold and hot water pipes Inner diameters 15 to 35 mm. Wall thickness 6 mm. The tubes are manufactured in 10 m sections, rolled in coils. Tube production process is based on direct extrusion of polyethylene (PE) and additives with simultaneous foaming with isobutane. After that, the PE foam is heat coated with LDPE film. The polyethylene foam in these insulation products has closed cells, standard colour is grey, and the coating film is red or blue. The film on the outer surface protects the foam from damage. Technical info: Material type: LDPE-coated foamed polyethylene Maximum media temperature: 90Ā°C Thermal conductivity: Ī» W/(m*K) Water absorption: WS 01 Fire resistance: CL -s1,d0 Reference standard: PN-EN PZH Hygienic Certificate: HK/B/ Resistance to building materials: Resistant to contact with commonly used building materials such as cement, gypsum, lime, concrete, etc. G allery P ipe sizes Insulated pipe diameter Inner diameter of tube inches mm mm