"A SCAPEGOAT FOR MURDER" true crime book. (pre publication
"A SCAPEGOAT FOR MURDER" true crime book. (pre publication offer), A true crime book about the murder of Carl Bridgewater in . by Simon Golding of Bridgenorth. tel: Bert Spencer, a former ambulance officer in Warley west mids. is focussed in the book. Spencer was hounded relentlessly by journalist Paul Foot as a potential scapegoat for that murder. In Spencer was given life at Staffordshire Crown Court for an entirely different murder of farmer Hubert Wilkes. While preparing the manuscript for publication in Jan/Feb " fresh evidence " in the Spencer case has emerged and it is "fresh evidence" that a good many people can easily confirm..but were never asked. Amongst those people we need to contact now are: Barry Thomas, the first ambulance man on the scene at Holloway house farm on the night of , the first police officer who arrived with Barry Thomas. and numerous others who attended that scene on that same night ie. police officers, CID Holdaway, CID Walker, photographers, doctor, et-al. Were you by chance a member of the jury at Spencers trial at Stafford Crown Court in june , if so you may well inadvertantly be the holder of the said "fresh evidence". As a jurer it transpires that you were given "evidence" to prove that the neccessary "INTENT" had in fact been formed by the defendant. The book will prove now that. That particular evidence was false. The jury was misled into beleiving that intent had been formed by Spencer. You, the jurer may recall the evidence in question given by the victims son under cross examination by the proscecution A QC COX. With hindsight, there was in fact no other evidence in the 3 day trial showing that "intent" had been formed. It appears that all in authority have "covered " up this information for over 35 years simply because of the fact that without "intent" having been proven you cannot bring about a murder conviction. The author can be contacted on: in total confidence. Good wishes, Bert Spencer If you are able to confirm any information herewith you will be rewarded with a signed copy of the book after publication. (postage free) ÂŁ, Spalding,.