New age 7-8 pink glitter velour hot pants shorts leotard
function passparaSC(){return '&baseurl='+ escape((function(){var d = '';try{d=location.protocol+'//cgi.'+location.href.split('&domain=')[1].split('&')[0]+'/ws/'} catch(e){d=location.href.substring(0,location.href.lastIndexOf('/')+1)} return d })()) + '&sitebaseurl=';} Kool costumes Girls New age 7-8. Pink velour hot pants with glitter stars. Made from 4 way stretch lycra. These are very eye catching. Comes with a matching scrunchie. If you have any questions please message or telephone me. Paypall is preferred but cheque and postal orders are welcome. Any styleAny sizeAny colourCan be made for you!!! We also do a made to measure service.Please contact us for details. New stock added daily. Thanks for looking..x 0) { var flashPlugin = navigator.plugins['Shockwave Flash']; if (typeof flashPlugin == 'object') { /* need flash version 6 or higher (this code should work with future flash plugins.) */ if (flashPlugin.description.indexOf(' 5.') != -1) flashVersion = 5; else if (flashPlugin.description.indexOf(' 4.') != -1) flashVersion = 4; else if (flashPlugin.description.indexOf(' 3.') != -1) flashVersion = 3; else if (flashPlugin.description.indexOf(' 2.') != -1) flashVersion = 2; else if (flashPlugin.description.indexOf(' 1.') != -1) flashVersion = 1; else if (flashPlugin.description.indexOf(' 6.') != -1) flashVersion = 6; else if (flashPlugin.description.indexOf(' 7.') != -1) flashVersion = 7; else flashVersion = 8; } } else if (agent.indexOf('msie') != -1 && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4 && agent.indexOf('win')!=-1 && agent.indexOf('16bit')==-1) { if (window.sqHasFlash || typeof(window.andale_fv) != 'undefined') { if (window.sqHasFlash || andale_fv >= 6) { flashVersion = 6; } } else { document.writeln(' '); document.writeln('on error resume next'); document.writeln('dim obFlash '); document.writeln('set obFlash = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7")'); document.writeln('if IsObject(obFlash) then '); document.writeln('flashVersion = 7 '); document.writeln('else set obFlash = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6") end if '); document.writeln('if flashVersion '); } } } if (flashVersion >= 6) { document.writeln(' ');document.writeln(' ');document.writeln(' ');document.writeln(' ');document.writeln(' ');document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' ');document.writeln(' ');document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln('