Small pet cleaning and pet sitting services in Bude
Goong>inong>g on Holiday and want someone to check your ong>petong>s or small animals? Strugglong>inong>g due to health to clean out your ong>petong>s, chickens or small animals? Then call me to discuss ong>petong> care options. I can Come check your animals while you are away, clean them out, feedong>inong>g etc. Rabbits, Chickens, Guong>inong>ea pigs etc Please note these services to check animals ong>inong> your home, not to brong>inong>g them to mong>inong>e All part of Kelly's Cleanong>inong>g services Kellys cleanong>inong>g. Offerong>inong>g mobile cleanong>inong>g services ong>inong>cludong>inong>g domestic, holiday cleanong>inong>g, office, busong>inong>ess cleanong>inong>g, end of tenancy, new homes, deep cleans or one off cleanong>inong>g jobs. Whether your lookong>inong>g for a regular cleaner for your home, a one of cleaner to tackle a big job, someone to cover or somethong>inong>g else please get ong>inong> contact and we can discuss your situation. Willong>inong>g to travel ong>inong> and around Bude, Holsworthy, and surroundong>inong>g rural areas.