Wags & Co Pet Services in Stoke On Trent
I run a small and carong>inong>g ong>petong> services, I offer dog walkong>inong>g, boardong>inong>g and home visits. Wags & Co are fully ong>inong>sured, licensed and I am policed checked and have been so ong>forong> over twenty years with references. Whether its work or holidays or days out I'm sure the is a service that will help you. my prices ong>forong> dog walks are an hour long and home visits half an hour but these are flexible accordong>inong>g to the owners wishes and are withong>inong> 5 mile radius of ST6. I do holiday, weekend and overnight boardong>inong>g and house sittong>inong>g withong>inong> approx. 10 mile radius. Please call ong>forong> more details