4 Pedigree Southdown ram lambs and 1 shearling for sale
We have a selection of 4 ram lambs and 1 shearling rams for sale, all registered pedigree. Signet recorded, all have index above breed average - one shearling is top 10% and the others are top 25% so you will get good growthy lambs from them. I do also look at the shape of the lambs, not just the figures on paper! All are bred by either Webbellis Marler or our home bred tup Lawton Cyrus (son of Ridings Big Ben). Female lines are mainly our own (Chaileybrook descent), with one out of an East Dean ewe and one from a traditional Great Fen ewe. Lambs have been grazing only since early June. I am asking £200 for the shearling, £150 for three of the ram lambs and one "bargain basement" ram lamb at £120 - he has a good traditional shape about him, but had flystrike on his neck and down the middle of his face. All fine now as I treated and sheared him completely - you may not get him in a show ring if his face wool doesn't grow back, but he will still do the job when it counts!! All lambs have had a full course of Ovivac P - should be upgraded to Heptavac at some point but they are protected until March. Shearlings should have Heptavac booster by December. Viewings welcome Read More