Paul Thorn - What The Hell Is Goin' On?
Personnel: ong>Paulong> ong>Thornong> (vocals,guitar,percussion); Bill Hinds (acoustic guitar,electric guitar,slide guitar,background vocals); Michael Graham (piano,organ); Jeffrey Perkins (drums,percussion); ong>Theong> McCrary Song>isong>ters,Ralph Friedrichsen (background vocals). Audio Mixer: Michael Graham. Prior to ong>Whatong> ong>theong> ong>Hellong> ong>Isong> ong>Goinong>' On?,singer,songwriter and guitarong>isong>t ong>Paulong> ong>Thornong> ong>isong>sued six albums since ,all of ong>theong>m packed with (mostly) original material. Hong>isong> sensibility as a writer ong>isong> informed by ong>theong> wildly varie