part time job

Looking for a job part time or full time!!

Looking for a job part time or full time!!

Looking for a part time or full time job. Either a ridden job or just doing all general yard duties. Iā€™m 16 in March (please donā€™t be put off by my age) must be in Norfolk unless accommodation is available if thatā€™s the case Iā€™d be happy to go anywhere in the UK. Iā€™m hard working and committed to my work. Can work individually or as part or a team. Experienced handling and riding all different types of horses and ages. (No experience with stallions). Iā€™m also happy to do holiday cover. Very reliable with references available x Read more

Job availiable,part time job, no permanent hours.

Job availiable,part time job, no permanent hours.

Hi we have part time job availiable for a goof time keepar,and hard working guy. We work in friendly atmosphere and take work very serious. Please note if you are no good with time you are NO GOOD to us so therefore dont waste our and your time. Training will be given. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Part time job

Part time job

Part time job going in a connivence Store Job requires to clean and stack shelves, stock Rotation etc Must have retail knowledge Full Training given Full time position considered Please forward CV

Full / part time job

Full / part time job

ā€­ā€­ helps year olds to find jobs, apprenticeship or further courses. We help with CVs, applications, interviews and you get a dedicated adviser. Completely free service for you. Contact for more +ā€¬ā€¬ Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

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I am looking for a part time job working with and around horses. I have my own 15.3hh ISH mare who I compete and hunt. I have had two previous jobs in catering but would prefer to be able to have a job fulfilling my passion for horses. References available, can work in the week during summer but weekend only during college come September. TIA Read More



wanted part time job anything with horses. clean drivers licence, always broken and produced horses. Be eventing novice. BHS road and ride safety along with 2 years studying level 3 equine. Spent 7 months working at the ledbury hunt. Have also had other horses in to break and sell on for people. references available based in herefordshire Read More

Related products part time job: WANTED PART TIME JOB
Part time and seasonal job

Part time and seasonal job

Curtis Cleaning Ltd is an expanding family business and we are looking for enthusiastic hard working people who thrive in a high pressure environment. We already have a fun, diverse and energetic team but due to high demand we require more staff. We have a number of positions available which included general cleaning and bed makers. If you think you have what it takes or require any more information please dont hessitate to contact us. Imediate starts are available at competitive rates. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Part time Cleaner night job

Part time Cleaner night job

Cleaner part-time position for 2h maybe 4h a day, depending on experience. Monday to Friday 5am to 7am Or 4am to 8am Ā£7.50h easy and light office cleaning job. In Oxford circus, London

Related products part time job: Part time Cleaner night job
Part-time groom/rider job

Part-time groom/rider job

Looking for part- time groom/rider job Based in Warwickshire, can drive. 10 years experience Hard working and relaible Read More

Looking for part time job

Looking for part time job

Part time job needed can start asap Looking for part time job. Posted by Sim in Other Goods, Other in Sandwell. 29 April

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Part time weekend job wanted

Part time weekend job wanted

Looking for a part time weekend job, Iā€™m looking for the general yard girl mucking out, poo picking, feeding, bringing horses in/out, grooming etc I am also available to ride Iā€™ve been and done Dressage, cross country, showjumping, hunting and a few ODEā€™s. Read More

Part time job vacancy in Cobham

Part time job vacancy in Cobham

Woodlands park and orchard stables is Looking for a reliable hard working person to join the team. I'm a small livery yard set in cobham Surrey. Looking for someone 2 days a week possibly more. Some sole charge is involved so needs to be experienced and confident. I'm happy to help train the right person but must have some sort of horse experience and know general first aid for horses.

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Part time Groom job wanted - retford nottinghamshire

Part time Groom job wanted - retford nottinghamshire

Part time Groom job wanted to work around my other job. Wanting to work up to 3 days a week. Days available are Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Sunday. I have previously worked on 2 studs and have carriage driving experience. I have a diploma in horse care and a foundation degree in equine management and training. C.V available Read More

Delivery Driver Job (2 Days/Part Time)

Delivery Driver Job (2 Days/Part Time)

Delivery Driver Job Takeaway Located in BD4 Car will be provided for work 2 Day Job (Saturday and Sunday) Contact me if Interested Thanks For Looking Ad ID:

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part time job wanted around downham market

part time job wanted around downham market

Hello my name is Holly, i am 23 andI am currently looking for a 16 hour a week job to fit around my daughters nursery. i am looking for 10am-2pm monday to thursday, i am looking for a equestrian job role to fulfill my passion. I Have a BTEC First Diploma in horse care, carry out yard/grooming duties, riding ability of walk, trot, canter gallop, jump. owned previous horses before. i am a very friendly hard working individual that just needs to be given a chance:) thanks Read More

Full and Part time job vacancy in Enfield

Full and Part time job vacancy in Enfield

FULL and PART TIME positions are available across Enfield Edmonton, Chingford, Woodford, Loughton, Chigwell and surrounding areas Hourly Pay 8-12 p/h Working for Kare Plus Enfield you get: Full Training Provided Flexible Working Hours Including Days, Nights and Weekends Fully Funded Care Certificate Free Uniform Fully Funded QCF diploma in Health and Social Care Available Long Term Established Clients Consistent Daily Care Calls Own transport is preferred but not essential and the right to work in the UK. Own transport is preferred but not essential. Experience is preferred, but NOT essential as we provide an excellent on-going training programme. We will also assist you to achieve a QCF diploma Level 2 in Health and Social Care with many of our long term Care workers being supported through their QCF Level 3 also. All positions are subject to an enhanced DBS disclosure and satisfactory references. If you believe you have what it takes to make a real difference to someone then contact us NOW

Related products part time job: Full and Part time job vacancy in Enfield
Reliable 16 year old looking for part time job.

Reliable 16 year old looking for part time job.

Hi, i am 16 and looking for a part time job with horses, i can do all yard duties i have expierence with horses and can do anything as asked. Read more



WANTED BUSINESS MANAGER/COORDINATOR POSITION IN OR AROUND DORCHESTER for a professional with 15 years experience. Qualifications: Bachelor Degree in Engineering, Level 7 Diploma in Computer Applications, Masters in Business Administration/Management Text/call Angelo

part-time job, flexible working hours, 2h/day - pack and despatch parcels

part-time job, flexible working hours, 2h/day - pack and despatch parcels

We are a small company based on M12 6LP selling on online markets, looking to hire a person to pack and despatch the parcels. About the job: - Working hours: 2hours/day, flexible working hours. You can work morning or afternoon whichever is convenient for you. - Mon to Fri so a total of 10h/week paid at a rate of Ā£7.5/h. There is no experience required as it's a very easy job that can be done by everyone. However an athletic person might fit better as sometimes you might need to lift boxes (but not more than 10kg). Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Im looking for a part time horse job in Stoke-on-Trent

Im looking for a part time horse job in Stoke-on-Trent

Ive be working with horses since i was 6 years old i m lookjn fora part time STOKE-ON-TRENT area

Car Wash & Valeting: Part time & Full time in Andover

Car Wash & Valeting: Part time & Full time in Andover

IMO Carwash in Andover currently have part time and full time positions available (pw), with opportunities for bonuses and extra hours. Experience is not required as full training will be provided. We are looking for people that are punctual, flexible and have a good attitude towards work. Responsibilities include cleaning and valeting cars to an exceptional degree, maintaining the site and building a good relationship with our valued customers. Applicants may be 17 or over, under 18 years olds wil be offered a part time weekend position with opportunities for extra hours and bonus schemes. Applicants can either hand in a CV, email CV or contact us over the phone.

Part time /full time hrs available, no experience necessary,

Part time /full time hrs available, no experience necessary,

I currently run my own health & wellness business and looking to expand my team. I'm looking for hardworking individuals with plenty of ambition. No experience necessary as fully training will be given. Perfect for students, parents, people seeking a second income, salon owners, personal trainers. Contact me for further details.

Part time baker

Part time baker

Part time baker 3 days @ 4 hours each day 3am - 4am

Part time receptionist

Part time receptionist

Part time friday and saturday to answer the phone and taking order Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

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Part Time Kings

Part Time Kings

Part Time Kings: Es ist an der Zeit, die Zukunft durch die Augen unserer Kinder zu sehen! PART TIME KINGS ist die erstaunliche und berĆ¼hrende Vision einer Welt von Morgen... Dieser Film lƤsst uns durch die Augen der Kinder und Jugendlichen der Welt von heute sehen. 'Hier entsteht Raum fĆ¼r eine neue Unschuld, fĆ¼r Mut und Phantasie...... fĆ¼r eine Welt von Morgen, wie sie sein kƶnnte. Ihre Visionen, ihr Mut, ihre Phantasie kƶnnen auch uns beflĆ¼geln, denn wie es weiter geht, liegt in erster Linie noch in unseren HƤnden. Die Regisseurin Elke von Linde reiste Ć¼ber zwei Jahre durch die Welt und befragte Ć¼ber 100 Jugendliche und Kinder zu ihren TrƤumen und WĆ¼nschen fĆ¼r eine lebenswerte Zukunft.
