Paranormal Ghost Event - Saturday night - 1st July -
Ā£ per person - Why not buy Dad a ticket for Fathers day. Join Paranormal City Events for an historical evening in Manchester! You could easily drive past Elizabeth Gaskell House without even knowing the history that surrounds this iconic building. The house, now a grade 2 listed property, was built between on the outer edge of the growing city. For over 150 years, this house has been associated with the most famous resident: the novelist Elizabeth Gaskell, who lived here from to . During the time Elizabeth lived here she wrote nearly all of her famous novels. Notable visitors to the house include fellow writers Charlotte Bronte, Charles Dickens, John Ruskin the American abolitionist, novelist Harriet Beecher Stowe and Charles Halle. Elizabeth Gaskell wrote some of the most popular ghost stories of her time, thrilling and macabre, but always with a message in store. Were these ghost stories written from her personal experiences and was their more fact than fiction? Will Elizabeth Gaskell have a final message in store for us when we host are paranormal evening? Are you brave enough to scratch beneath the surface and look a little deeper into the darker history of this historic house?. Join the Paranormal City Events Team for an evening ghost hunt. You can take part in real experiments such as glass moving, vigils, sances, experiments and Ouija boards. You will not be an observer on the ghost hunts as you will have the opportunity to take part in all of the activities and draw your own conclusions, whether you are a seasoned ghost hunter or a beginner. facebook paranormalcityeventsofficial website: