Pairs of Lovely Short Haired Baby Guinea Pigs in Clacton On
I have 4 ong>shortong> ong>hairedong> ong>babyong> boars (boys) lookong>inong>g for lovong>inong>g homes, one is dalmation marked, one is solid chocolate agouti & two are solid cream self. I would prefer them to go ong>inong> ong>pairsong> as ong>guong>inong>eaong>s don't like livong>inong>g on their own, but i would sell them separately if they are goong>inong>g to be paired up with another ong>guong>inong>eaong>/ong>guong>inong>eaong>s. Parents ong>ofong> ong>guong>inong>eaong>s can be seen. They come with an ong>inong>formation sheet & change over food. Welcome to view/reserve. £20 each or £35 for the pair.