Pair of Bosson's Heads...ALL MUST GO!
I have been selling off the collection of these at the moment and these are the last two... I believe they're both 'Bossons' make. They have been on the wall for a few years and although they have had a light wash some might have some slight dirt on them. Some did have slight bit of damage, but these are the last two and already boxed up so can't recheck them... Please refer to pictures... I love to combine postage where I can. Free postage on the pair, but if you fancy something else I'll try and knock something off. This auction is for the 'Man with beret / scotsman?' and 'Military? Old man head' (slight damage to nose, touch of paint will sort it. I'm open to offers on all my items- especially if you buy more than one lot! MOVING HOUSE FEW WEEKS TIME- EVERYTHING MUST GO....MAKE AN OFFER NO MATTER HOW CHEEKY, MIGHT BE CONSIDERED? Read more